Someone Close To Me Died And Now I Sense Spirits

Photo of misty forest by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

Photo of misty forest by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.07

When someone close to you dies, to say that it's difficult is an understatement.

Losing one of the essential threads of the network of your life, it can leave a feeling as if there is a hole.

In spiritual terms, there is a hole, but I like to think of it more like a stretchy gap that's now just stretched out a little further.

In this gap, we can begin to see and sense the light of the divine.

Born on this Earth, we come to this place as Spirit with a group of individuals, others in our lives, who are part of a soul group. Part of a network. They are our family members, our siblings, our best friends, our lovers, our children, and our closest confidants.

These individuals are essential threads to the sweater that makes up who we are as people.

Pull one of those threads, and the sweater can unravel.

In the passing of a loved one, especially someone essential to your soul’s path - perhaps even one of your soul mates - can be devastating.

After it happens, you, me and everyone else who has ever experienced what you are now experiencing is left searching for answers.

For the first time in your life, you may even have a real reason to figure out if the Spirit world is real. Spirit may take advantage of this and jump on the train, amplifying your experiences.

Because for the first time, you have a reason to think about the Other Side. It’s okay, this is how it is for everyone who hasn't considered the afterlife until they have someone over there giving them a reason to wonder.

Thankfully, you now have someone located there, in the realm of Spirit, to help create the bridge to assist you in creating the link required to sense, feel, hear and connect with Spirit.

Having a friend in Spirit can be fun - because their visitations tend to be more light-hearted than family, and it can eliminate the fear of connection with ghosts because now someone you know is a ghost.

You and your Loved One are now two people, interested in a common goal - just like always.

Except for this time, the goal is healing the wound created by the gap of their absence, and this can be done through connection.

With a hole now in the fabric of life, created by their absence, we now have a gateway to the Other Side, where there wasn’t one before.

Imagine having a white sheet, hanging on the laundry line, with you standing on one side of it. That white sheet is a network of all of the barriers, connections, and pieces of the puzzle you have which makes up the web of understanding in your physical life.

When one of those essential elements, a person you love deeply, departs the physical world, it leaves a tear in the sheet.

Through that hole, some will begin to see, sense and hear the presence of the person they love, and they may think they're losing their mind - but they're not.

Just as two Souls could connect in the physical world - two souls can still connect, only on other sides of the sheet now.

When you lose someone close to you and begin to see, hear and feel Spirit, it generally means you’re activating your spiritual abilities out of pure necessity, and it's not the only time this can happen.

Anytime someone who is part of the thread of your life leaves or comes into your soul group, onto Earth from Spirit, you’re closer to a personal portal to Spirit and sensory abilities may increase because of this.

When can one start to access Spirit? When is it easier to connect?

It is most common for clairsentient gifts to open up during these experiences

Photo of misty forest road by Vidyagauri Jadhav from Pexels

Photo of misty forest road by Vidyagauri Jadhav from Pexels

  • Childbirth

  • The Meeting of a Soulmate

  • The Transition of a Loved One

  • A Loss of Any Kind

In each of these cases, you can experience an awakening of your Spiritual abilities, including mediumship abilities. Usually through the intuitive gift of Clairsentience, since these events open the Heart Chakra, it often then opens the psychic gift associated with this energy center.

Becoming sensitive can happen at any time, so why not take some time to settle in, get cozy with the idea, and nuzzle up to the concept a bit?

If you start to feel like you can sense Spirit after someone you love dies, you wouldn’t be alone. It’s not just the grief that can do this.

Visitations tend to be stronger in the first 7-10 days following death, and extend out to years - meaning you may be with the ability to feel Spirit and have a deeper level of empathy for others, for a while.

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