8 Signs You Were A Psychic Medium In A Past Life

Photo of brown oak leaves by Daniel Frank from Pexels

Updated 2022.06.18

Wondering if you’ve had a past life as a psychic?

Psychic mediums and other highly sensitive people are often old souls, and they evolved their gifts over a period of many lifetimes. 

As you travel through your lifetimes, you accumulate wisdom, practice using your abilities, and compassion. 

Previous lifetimes can bring with them memories, laden evidence of traumas, and an intense want, in this lifetime, to learn about metaphysics and philosophy. 

Once you learn that philosophy, you may find yourself becoming an expert or teacher of it within several years, and this is just one of the signs that you've had a soul history doing psychic work.

There are other signs of a past life as a psychic, and they are - 

8 Signs You Were A Psychic Medium In A Past Life

Past Lives. 8 Signs You Were A Psychic Medium In A Past Life. Photo of brown oak leaves by Daniel Frank from Pexels with text overlay of title.

1. People always ask you for advice

Natural sensitives are natural conduits and channels for guidance from All That Is. If people are always asking for your thoughts on things, chances are you're unknowingly conducting Universal Guidance and Truths to them, through you.

If you have been a channel for many lives, giving golden advice will be natural for you - to the point where you'll likely have to learn how to tame it, less how to dish it out.

2. You've experienced lots of hardships in this life

Natural sensitives are empaths and transmuters of energy. Mediumship is a loving connection between client, Spirit, and the medium themselves. 

Mediums and psychics often deal with resolving and releasing psychic trauma from their clients. 

To deal with all the pain that will ultimately be released through them, many intuitives had to also experience and learn how to recover from much of their pain - because it helps you be a clearer channel and helps you better empathize with your clients.

Intense hardship is the mark of an advanced soul.

Only a seasoned soul can deal with and survive repeated trauma and still go on to mentor others. Mediums and psychics are often found in a mentorship roles for others, and thus many have experienced more hardships than most. 

It is impossible to mentor others in overcoming what you, yourself, have not already mastered. 

3. You’ve had intense feelings about social judgment

Most past-life sensitives have intense fear and over-occupation with judgment from others because most of them lived other lives where they were hurt based on the judgment of others.

So when judgment is life or death, you will be more attuned to it. 

If you feel you've experienced a past life where you were subject to adverse experiences for your beliefs, it is common to experience neck pain and fear of fire. A past-life of adverse physical experiences for expressing your gifts can also result in throat chakra blocks. 

I like energy regression for integrating and sealing past lives.

In The Member Center’s Meditation Room, check out Past Life Meditation for Relationship Healing or this article about accessing your Akashic Records, which is where past life information stored.

4. You've played a witch in costume and you enjoy witch movies

Witch means keen wisdom in old English lore. 

When people dress up in costume for any holiday, the costume they choose is often a symbol or hint of their 'alter ego' - either in this life or from past experiences lived. 

If someone dresses up as an Army Soldier, you can be sure there is a part of them that connects to this role on a soul level, and they possibly had a past life in this role. Likewise, if someone dresses up as a witch, they may have had past lives here, too.

Have you worn the Witch costume and do you wear it well? Do you connect to this Witch Celebration music

If so, chances are you've played this role before.

5. You consider yourself skeptical of mediums and spirituality

Naturally skilled mediums with tremendous talent are some of the most prominent original skeptics I know. 

Because of their innate soul skill, they can quickly sniff out when someone is less practiced. 

Do you watch television shows with ghost hunters and know when someone is blowing things out of proportion? 

If so, take a moment to ask yourself: why is my soul such an expert in this? 

There could be a reason you have such innate knowledge in this area and consider yourself an expert here. 

Many old souls in the psychic area are obsessed with detail in their perceptions; thus, when they see a younger soul practicing, they are quick to be able to identify it. 

6. You've had an interest in Spirits for as long as you can remember

This is self-explanatory. 

If you have an affinity towards the Spirit World and they for you, think about why. Even if it's fear-based, the calling is naturally there, and you must consider why.

Do you have an interest in potions, herbal products, or any other type of craft? 

This is also a sign you have a past life as an intuitive. People with past lives here also tend to have natural abilities related to earth wisdom.

7. You've hidden your gifts from others (including those you love) in the past

Going back to #3, hiding your abilities from those you love the most comes from a fear of judgment and isolation. 

This fear is likely a deep-seated soul fear that comes from previous lifetimes lived with the people in your soul group, when they did, as younger souls, actually judge you. Bad things potentially happened then.

But, you are in this life now to create new patterns. 

Coming out of the closet now is an opportunity for you to break free of your soul's karma. So consider starting to share with those that you love, and you may be surprised with what they eventually share with you. 

8. You have relatives or friends who have had interactions with the paranormal

If people in your soul group are intuitives, this is likely a soul group lesson that you and other souls born into this life with you are learning together.

When a family member, friend, or relative introduces you to the metaphysical world at a young age, there's usually a reason for this. 

It's possible, as an old soul, the path of the psychic and mystic is well-woven into your soul group. Some entire soul groups are notably old. 

Do four or more of these signs sound familiar to you?

Photo of misty forest path by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

If so, it's highly possible you were a psychic medium or mystic in previous lives. You may also have dreams or have psychics repeatedly tell you about what your past lives were, and if so, pay attention to these cues.

You may be destined to be one in this lifetime, and perhaps fill another role than in lives past. For example, you may transcend into speaking, writing, or publicly lecturing on these topics.

Or if in one life you were an herbalist, also known as an Hedge Witch, in this life, you may do a little more channeling. 

Many mediums are old souls, meaning they've lived many lives before this one. 

And there are a multitude of different levels of different souls on this earth - from younger souls to older souls - all interacting together. 

So even if you're an old soul in the psychic arts, there are still many souls to teach in this world, in the here and now.

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