Spirit Connection - How Long Does It Take To Learn The Communication Process After Transition

What are the languages of Spirit? How long does it take Spirit to communicate after crossing? Photo or bird ornaments on string by Alessio Lin on Unsplash.

What are the languages of Spirit? How long does it take Spirit to communicate after crossing? Photo or bird ornaments on string by Alessio Lin on Unsplash.

Updated 2020.02.03

Starting over: re-learning the communication process after death.

How long does it take to sense a loved one after they cross over?

When someone moves away, we are given an opportunity to re-define the relationship, to keep it growing, blossoming, and expanding in new ways, despite and through the differences.

We may learn how to use video software, or start to communicate more via internet social media, or we become pen-pals. 

The less and less time we have to see someone face-to-face, the more creative, unique, and different communication opportunities begin to emerge. No matter what, when someone moves away, communication changes.

To keep the relationship alive, when both parties make an effort and a commitment to learning the new style of communication, the link is maintained.

The same is true when your Loved One Crosses Over into Spirit. When someone transitions, they move to a new place, a new world, where they exist. 

While you can visit them, in a dream, in meditation or the practice of astral travel, they can also visit you, and many do, by showing up.

These visitations can happen within the first few days after crossing. However, they usually start to become clearer around about eight weeks.

Then visitations become more sporadic and lighter, perhaps after six months, which is the average time it takes for a Spirit to adjust to being a Spirit. 

When someone crosses over, there’s also a small learning curve.

Not all who transition to The Spirit World suddenly emerge on The Other Side with a complete understanding of how to operate fully in their new Spirit-body. 

It can take some time for the Spirit person or pet to adjust and adapt.

Just as not everyone who travels abroad suddenly arrives speaking perfect, fluent, and nuanced French, it takes some time to work out the kinks.

So when your Loved One crosses over, there may be a lag time of fully understanding the signs and communications they are sending you. 

They need time to understand how to operate and communicate with you as a Spirit, and you'll probably need some time to get into the swing of it too. 

This learning process takes a different amount of time for everyone who crosses, and thankfully, Your Loved One can enlist the help of other Spirits to help them out.

There are Spirit coaches who help expedite the learning process.

If you have another family on The Other Side, people who know the ropes already, these Spirits will help your person on The Other Side get the hang of it. 

While we are all originally Spirit and in crossing over, when we return to our soul home base, there’s a time of adjustment for everyone. 

Eventually, communicating and operating as Spirit will be natural for both you and them. But this takes time.

As an overview

Spirit Connection: How Long Does It Take To Learn The Communication Process After Transition? Photo of origami cranes by Carolina Garcia Tavizon on Unsplash with text overlay of title.

Spirit Connection: How Long Does It Take To Learn The Communication Process After Transition? Photo of origami cranes by Carolina Garcia Tavizon on Unsplash with text overlay of title.

  • There's a learning curve on both sides when someone transitions to Spirit

  • It usually starts to become much clearer about eight weeks out and then even clearer six months out

  • Other Spirits are helping the process along

If you don’t hear from your Loved One through any of the usual signs and symbols that you might expect, immediately after crossing, it's likely because they’re still learning how to use them.

Give them time, patience, and encouragement as they get up the speed.

Share with them by speaking out loud or writing down your preferred visitation methods. 

That way, they know which Spirit techniques are a priority to learn first.

Below are two different kinds of communication methods

How long does it take spirit to communicate after death. Photo of origami cranes by Carolina Garcia Tavizon on Unsplash.

How long does it take spirit to communicate after death. Photo of origami cranes by Carolina Garcia Tavizon on Unsplash.

Learn as much as you can about all the ways that you can communicate with Spirit. Including how to sense them, receive signs, have visitation dreams, or hear them when they speak to you. 

Receiving Spirit communication that's clear and most enjoyable is always the best and most accurate when you are rested; after all, this is how dream visitations occur. 

Let’s give our Loved Ones a round of applause.

It’s not easy to learn a new language, but when both parties make an effort, the work is done twice as fast. 

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