8 Steps To Becoming A Professional Medium
Updated 2022.06.18
There are many rivers that lead to the same ocean.
And while there is no one path to mediumship or to becoming a professional medium, in this post I discuss a few common threads of the steps on how to begin in this field -
It can happen after several years of hard, focused study, or it can come after a spontaneous spiritual experience in your bedroom, followed by a spiritual awakening.
Learning mediumship is very similar to learning a new language.
Some say, it is a re-learning of the original language of all souls - the Language of Spirit. And while you may already be proficient in both Spanish and English, it does take training to become a proficient professional non-physical being translator, but it is just another language.
Becoming a professional medium is becoming a translator for The Spirit World, it can be a worthwhile career or hobby.
8 Steps To Professional Psychic Mediumship
1. Learn about mediumship in all aspects
To fully embrace your abilities to connect with Spirit, begin to learn about the practice of mediumship by checking out my intuition development reading list here.
Learn about the history, learn about the paths and experiences of other mediums and learn about how mediumship is actually done and performed.
This may mean that you eventually take a mediumship workshop, not simply to improve your abilities, but to nail down the professional process of spiritual transmitting that works for you.
2. Learn about your intuitive abilities
Next, begin to identify your strongest spiritual communicator strengths.
These are your intuitive abilities and we all have them.
Generally, we each have one intuitive ability that is strongest and Spirit will often begin to communicate with us through this ability.
For example, if you are clairsentient, you’ll start to sense the presence of those in Spirit - including their thoughts, emotions and messages.
When you begin connecting with your strongest sense feet forward, you’ll get the best results. And then from there, you can begin to practice opening up and expanding into your other intuitive abilities.
3. Book an appointment with a practicing medium
In mediumship, you really do have to see how it’s done - and not just on television. If you plan to make this into your profession, see a professional and observe how they do it.
When you develop your own practice, you’ll be able to draw on this (or these) appointments to frame your own work.
If you do see a medium and no special mention is made of your intuitive abilities, that’s no indication of whether or not you have them. So many things could be covered in a single reading, that occasionally it takes a few sittings to get all the messages Spirit has about your gifts and life.
Especially if you have not had a reading yet, sitting down with another medium when you begin, can validate and enhance the connection you do have, allowing you to get closer to your spiritual gifts on your own.
4. Decide which type of mediumship you're called to do
There’s many different kinds of mediumship.
There’s Angelic Mediumship, Spirit Guide Mediumship, Channeling, Healing Mediumship and Physical Mediumship. In fact, over 73 different kinds of mediumship have been identified so far and have been known about for 150+ years.
Learn about these and figure out which most resonates with you.
You don’t have to be a dead person medium to be a ‘real medium,’ all you have to do is bring through loving energy from the Divine, and this comes through in many forms.
5. Decide through which modality you will use to connect
On top of that, there are different modalities, or processes, through which Spiritual Communication is the weaving, linking thread.
There’s Reiki, Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards, Shamanism, Energy Work, Distance Readings, Live Readings, Stage Readings, Channelled Writings, Music Inspired by Spirit, Physical Art and Teaching and Coaching.
Mediums can be mediums in so many settings and with so many tools aside from the message channeling in the reading room. You may have to try a few modalities to see which one excites you and whichever one you like the most, pursue.
6. Learn how to give readings
There’s definitely a structure on the best process of how to deliver a message from the Other Side.
Even if you've got talent, it helps if someone teaches you the plays.
By learning the steps to giving a reading (a topic covered in The Membership) you'll not only give the best reading possible, but you'll get the clearest and most easy to understand messages possible for those you are translating for.
Many mediums, including myself, teach the reading structure and best practices, as do many other intuitive practitioners, for their own fields.
Here’s a few places to begin:
7. Practice, practice, practice
Being a professional means having dedication, care and a commitment to ever growing improvement.
When I worked as a teacher, a researcher and even an environmentalist, we had continuing education hours that we needed to complete - to show commitment to our own growth and path, and also to give the best to our donors, clients and people we served.
Being a professional isn’t just about turning on the open sign and walking away from the door.
It’s a commitment to growing, learning and being the best that you can be in the most committed way possible.
Practice meditating, practice connecting, practice grounding, practice clearing and practice learning new modalities. Be open to new modalities other mediums share with you.
The more you practice, the better you’ll become and the more fully and completely you can give your talents to others with an open heart.
8. Exchange money for your services
The minute you start asking for people to exchange a monetarily valued currency for your services, you’re starting a business.
Many mediums charge for their services, because it takes time, practice, knowledge and effort to deliver a quality product. Utility companies typically don’t accept crystals, shells or rare oils in their crude form as payment, believe me I have tried.
So as much as you may receive gifts in exchange, know that asking the electric company to accept these gifts as payment is often a no-go. To continue to offer a service, in many cases, a common form of payment is needed, whatever that is in your area, usually cash.
Mediumship is a valued service that offers soul growth, comfort and connection and while a gift that you offer to the world, does take a considerable amount of energy, time and investment on your part to offer that gift.
To end, this is the final step in developing gifts to the professional point - turning on your open sign for business.
Once you honed your abilities to the point where you can charge for your services, and people want to give you a fair-trade for your abilities, you’re a professional.
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