Could Anyone Really Be A Psychic Medium?
Updated 2021.12.17
Mediumship is nothing more than practicing your abilities to have clear Spirit-to-Spirit communication.
When you connect with Spirit to bring through messages from the Other Side, you are listening, with your whole body, with all of your senses, with your entire being, to hear the true, genuine message of another being.
How often do we actually do that in real, human life?
How often do we listen, with our entire Spirit, to the emotional, thoughtful and energetic message from another soul?
If you’ve ever truly listened to a soul mate, you’ve done this. If you’ve ever predicted the needs of another, and then helped them before they knew they needed it, you’ve done this.
If you’ve ever felt a connection between an animal and yourself, you’ve done this. If you’ve ever sat quiet in a conversation, and let the entire message engulf you, you’ve done this.
Shared the contents of your heart with someone? You’ve done this.
Spoke your mind, told the truth and didn’t care who listened? You’ve done this.
Told someone something that you’ve never told anyone before? You’ve done this.
Mediumship begins with clear communication in the physical world, before it can ever be translated into The Spirit World.
While we can all communicate with Spirit, because we ARE Spirit (just with a physical body layered on top, at this time), it takes time to learn the truest, most genuine form of communication for yourself, and begin practicing it daily - for yourself and others.
When you fully listen to another, you are intuiting, you are sensing, you are feeling, you are knowing, you are seeing and you are connecting with another Spirit.
To have communication with another Spirit, you aren’t just speaking with your physical mouth and listening with your physical ears - you’re using your Spiritual strengths, yourself, as a tool. The development of your energetic self as an instrument is what improves your clarity as a medium, once you get there. As does practice.
But overall, what prevents most people from ‘getting there’ isn’t a lack of natural ability, it’s the presence of a barrier.
And there are barriers to clear communication - both listening and speaking - all over the place. There are things that prevent us from fully stepping into a genuine union (a connection) with another and each person is affected differently.
The 3 Barriers Preventing You (Or Anyone) From Being a Medium & How To Release Them
Limitations on the mind
The first and biggest barrier preventing everyone from being a medium, is that their physical self (ego) may be refusing to believe that it’s possible to even communicate with Spirit.
If someone offers you an apple pie at a restaurant and you refuse to eat it, how can you ever know what it tastes like to realize it’s actually pretty good?
You can’t.
If someone suggests you play guitar and you adamantly refuse to admit guitars exist - you’ll never play a guitar - not even if your soul-self has a natural talent for it that’s out of this world.
There’s countless reasons why mediumship is a type of apple pie that a person doesn’t want to taste - such as cultural rules, socially acceptable beliefs, location of their soul’s journey and possible life lessons - and it’s not important to identify them.
Unless of course, you want to develop your own mediumship abilities and want to know what’s holding you back.
You can release mind limitations by opening a daily connection with Spirit, such as with the techniques mentioned here: How To Connect With Spirit Daily.
The next most common barrier from preventing everyone from being a medium is doubt. This includes the doubt that it’s even possible, the doubt and level of confidence that you have in yourself for being able to do it, and the doubt that what you receive is real and truthful.
In fact, many mediums undermine the truth of their own messages out of doubt that it’s real. When you are too busy doubting something, you have no time to accept it and welcome it in. When you doubt, you are essentially rejecting and pushing away the very thing that has been presented to you.
Developing a trust in Spirit and in yourself that you are capable of doing anything you want, including spiritually communicating with another in Spirit, takes time, but you can rise above doubt.
As you begin to open up, the mediumship abilities generally start to spill out and begin to emerge from within you. It’s like the cracking of the shell - once you take a mallet to thin ice, the hard exterior (the boundary) cracks open and the beautiful sea underneath is revealed.
While anyone can truly crack open the shell of their physical world understanding and begin to connect courageously, vulnerably and truthfully with others, both in Spirit in spiritual body and those in Spirit in physical body, many still feel fear and are scared of it.
If you have fear of The Spirit World, you may as well put your hands over your eyes, over your ears and over your mouth.
Fear of what will happen if you see something scary, what will happen if you hear something, how those in Spirit will impact your life or any other fear related to Spirit, you push out and back The Spirit World, even if they are close by.
People see, hear and feel only what they allow themselves to see, hear and feel.
Fearing The Spirit World for what it might mean for you in the spiritual world (seeing something bad) or in the physical world (social acceptance), can cause you to shut down your abilities, even if you don’t mean to.
The majority of people who wish to open their abilities to connect with Spirit, have to go through a process of opening to trust and releasing their fears in order to fully connect.
This is a process that takes time and dedication and while many people devote that time to practice, many others don’t bother - for a variety of reasons, one being fear produces adrenaline which sometimes feels good.
If you want to release your fear of Spirit, for example, because you know someone over there, read on here:
Before you can set forth in opening to trust and releasing any fear, you first, have to believe it’s possible.
Then, to become a medium, the trinity of the three elements of belief, trust and acceptance must be present and to do that, you have to release the opposite from yourself.
As you work on clearing out disbelief, doubt and fear, you work on clearing your channel and your ability to be a medium.
Once these barriers are released, the answer is yes. Really, anyone could be a medium.
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