Earth Angels - 11 Signs You're An Earth Angel

Myriam Zilles from Pixabay Picture of a cherub laying on a peach stone surface

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When I was first starting this website, I took a trip out west to a temporary house where I was going to be staying while I figured out my next steps. On the way there, my alternator, and then my battery died in the middle of the desert. 

I prayed and was able to jump the alternator to the nearest town, only to have the battery die the next day, at closing time in another rural location further along my way. 

Stopping at a gas station to open the car hood to see what had gone wrong now, a man showed up with a horse trailer, pulled out some tools, and assisted me in putting in a new one, all within the thirty minutes I had before the filling station closed.

He then handed me a silver dollar, wishing that I may never be broke again. He then drove off, and I haven’t seen him since. 

An Earth Angels purpose is to assist those in the physical realm to overcome hardship to the point where they recognize the power of a miracle.

It is to act on behalf of the Angelic Realm for the healing of all. Though Earth Angels usually work alongside specific people or individuals for a particular time. 

They will usually not admit to being an Earth Angel, and you may enjoy extended or a very brief time with this person.

They can be male or female, adult or child, but they are usually imperfect beings to appear to help you fulfill a goal. 

Think about the movies, Michael, with John Travolta, Unlikely Angel, with Dolly Parton, or Clarence, with Robert Carradine. These are all perfect examples of how Earth Angels work. 

Photo of woman wearing white wings and dress by Công Đức Nguyễn from Pixabay

Though they may be varied and diverse, and their identity first named in our culture in 1954 with the song Earth Angel, by The Penguins, Earth Angels continue to remain in popularity today. And one thing is for sure, it's because they continue to exist. 

Perhaps you're an Earth Angel, or you've met one, who has shown up at an opportune time only to disappear forever for the rest of your life. They're out there. 

Angels have usually lived only as Spirit, except for when they've been people before. While we have all come to Earth as Spirit in Human Body, some, in rare cases, some Spirits have come to Earth as Angel, within a Human Body.

These individuals are known as Earth Angels. 

Of course, there is an exception to every rule, and sometimes, Angels have to take the form of a human or animal to accomplish their goal of providing love, compassion, support, and gentle overarching guidance to those in need.

Sometimes, to do your job most effectively, you have no other choice but to go undercover. To get the job done, sometimes, you need to do the job differently. 

You may have been born on this Earth as an Angel. There are a few signs that you have been, which we'll mention below. 

Collectively, the Earth Angels I have met share a few common traits and characteristics. So read on below to see if you can recognize any of these Earth Angel characteristics in yourself or someone you know.

How To Tell If You’re An Earth Angel

If you notice any of the signs below in yourself or anyone you know, you may be an Earth Angel. 

11 Signs You’re an Earth Angel - Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay Picture of a cherub laying on a peach stone surface with text overlay of title.


You provide a shoulder of support when others need an ear


You are ready and willing to think about and offer ideas, opportunities, and solutions to others


You look for the silver lining, the opportunity for learning, the seed of light in yourself and others


You've provided people in need with physical support to get through a situation


You seek to find a better way or a more effective way to do things


You daydream and think about good possibilities quite often for yourself or others


You sometimes have a difficult time focusing on or caring about physical world things


As a child, you may have been been suspected to have special attention needs


You may have been drawn to living in dark situations or relationships in the past, as Earth Angels are often sent to places where love is not so it can grow


You can be sensitive to the brashness of the physical world and urban society


You generally carry the alternative perspective, holding the hope for others

Recognize any of these characteristics in yourself or anyone you love?

Photo of woman in white leotard wearing angel wings by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

If you can yes to 5 or more, you’re an Earth Angel! Earth Angels are here to provide direct guidance, love, and compassion. 

They are often generous, kind, and within their lifetime often move onto victor states of mind, realizing their true potential. You can tell an Earth Angel because they have kind, gentle Spirits and always desire to help. They are sent to Earth to support others. Their biggest challenge is usually to learn how to manifest this into a functional role in the physical world.

Most Earth Angels work best in this world when they identify their gift and use it.

If you feel you may be an Earth Angel, here are a few steps to begin stepping into your mission

Photo of a horse cherub by Dorota Kudyba from Pixabay.

Begin Connecting With Your Home Soul Group


Connect with others who value helping, community, and abundance for all.

Learn as much as you can about connecting, interacting, and communicating with those in the Angelic Realm and connect with others who you feel are Angels to others. 

Read books, take classes and begin to experiment communicating across the veil with this realm.

Angelic Oracle Cards are a great place to start, as you can use them to learn to channel your Angels, too, in much the same way you can channel Spirit Guides or Loved Ones.

The more you understand your group, your tribe, the more you will know why it is that you are here and what your purpose is here on Earth, as an Angel. When you hang out with other Angels, in this world or the other, they will reflect your mission to you and pump up your passion for it so that you are more charged for your next assignment. 

Commit To Using Your Gifts For The Highest Good

Many of those who have lots of Spiritual energy confined in a Human Body, including those who are Earth Angels. Technically, they are extra sensitive, extra intuitive, and extra in-tune.

Previously some Earth Angels have shut down their sensitivities as a protective mechanism, as an attempt to manage and navigate the world without overwhelm.

It’s time to reopen up and learn how to hone in and manage those abilities. You do want to spend some time claiming this mastery and honing it in. 

If you’ve already opened your gifts, to use your gifts, try meditating in the morning and ask for three guided actions, where you can best use your gifts that day.

Identify Your Purpose As An Earth Angel

There is a reason you were born on this Earth. 

Overall, those in the Angelic realm have a purpose, to provide love, compassion, guidance, and support through the lens of an overarching and alternative, universal perspective. But all Earth Angels do this in specific roles, using their particular talents. They go on missions to manifest and fulfill that role.

Even if today is the first time you’ve discovered the possibility of Earth Angels, you have likely already been living out your purpose, just now it's a matter of being conscious of it. 

The matter of finding out your purpose is merely putting words to a mission statement you’ve already been living.

Photo of woman in angel costume hugging duck by Zayceva Tatiana on Pexels

Earth Angels, while rare, exist on Earth and walk among us from time to time. Each year, I run into a few such individuals, and always, it’s both a surprise and a delight. 

Earth Angels can enjoy all the perks of life that others can, including falling in love and having prosperity. In some cases, they join together with other Earth Angels they meet to complete these goals as an inspiration for all. 

To meet the next Earth Angel on your path, you may not need to look any further than within. You may already know a few in your life now.

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