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Orange Light Spiritual Meaning
If you’re seeing orange light in your mind’s eye or in meditations, learn what orange light could mean spiritually, angelically and more.
Blue Light Spiritual Meaning
If you’re seeing blue light in your mind’s eye or in meditations, learn what blue light could mean spiritually, angelically and more.
Visualize Your Highest Self
Connect to your Higher Self. In this post, I discuss what is the Higher Self and how to visualize it, and a Higher Self guided meditation.
What Does 'Clairvoyant' Mean?
What does it mean to be clairvoyant? What is the definition of clairvoyance? This post discusses what it means to be clairvoyant and what clairvoyance means.
Can Spirits Visit You In Dreams?
Spirits in Dreams. Can Spirits like your deceased loved ones speak to you through dreams? What does it mean when you dream of Spirits?