Is Your Loved One Crossed Over?
Updated 2025.03.25
Learn how to tell if a loved one has crossed into the light -
The majority of people who die immediately cross over into the Light.
This ‘Light’ is otherwise known as Heaven, the Afterlife, Source, Universal Oneness, with God and so on.
When someone dies, they leave their physical body and in that moment or immediately before, a sunburst of light appears.
This light acts as the doorway to the Otherside. In it, loved ones and guides of the person appear to take their hand and escort them to The Spirit World.
Not everyone who dies immediately crosses over - some people who pass away are confused. They don’t believe in the afterlife, thus, when they are presented with ‘an afterlife scenario,’ they feel they are still or must be dreaming.
So instead of walking to the light and to their loved ones, they may walk somewhere else - to the nearest bar, to a relative’s home or they simply hang near the location of their body for a while.
This is just one potential scenario.
There are many reasons as to why someone doesn’t go to the light right away. Whatever the scenario, in any case, the light soon fades and their loved ones leave, and this is about a 7-10 day window, depending on a lot of things.
When this happens, though, the person then stays bound to the Earth and they become what is called a Ghost or an Earthbound Spirit.
And while periodically, the light channel comes back and this person’s Loved Ones try again to cross them over, this cycle can last for years without some sort of intervention.
You can help though - you, as a surviving loved one and familiar face to this person, you can intervene and help your family member, friend or acquaintance and cross over this person.
How To Tell Someone Isn’t Crossed Over
When a deceased person doesn’t cross over, they often hang around the people they knew, so you may feel them in your energy field.
If your Loved Ones visitations feel nervous, angry or worried - chances are, this person hasn’t left earth yet, they may not have crossed over.
If you are having bad dreams, getting bad feelings about them, or have concerns about it - it’s likely your loved one is still lingering.
If you feel your Loved One is continuously around or a close family member or friend says they are, and they rarely, if ever leave, and they haven’t left since they died, this is a sign they aren’t crossed. Most spirits will spend a period of time separate from their families while they transition into their new life.
If someone surviving takes on idiosyncrasies or habits of the deceased, this is a sign said loved one is with this person and has not fully transitioned.
When someone has crossed over, they can and will visit, but their visitations feel light, positive, caring and playful.
Sometimes, it can be hard to tell based on your own reaction to the visiting Spirit - especially if you are the type who gets afraid and nervous around anything unfamiliar, especially ghosts or the paranormal.
If this is you, calm down, take a deep breath and evaluate the situation.
What to do if you believe someone hasn’t crossed
If you believe someone you know has not crossed, it is proper etiquette to share the truth of this information if it would be in everyone’s highest and greatest good and to help them cross over.
To assist your loved one make the transition, read: How To Cross Over A Spirit
If you end up being asked to perform crossovers professionally, check out this list of books: 6 Books To Read Before Communicating With Spirits
What to do if you believe someone has fully crossed
If your loved one has fully crossed over, they will often feel light and elusive in their visitations starting after the first eight weeks of death. If a Spirit energy feels heavy within the first 7-10 days, know this is a normal part of the natural crossing the veil process that happens as all loved ones leave this plane.
If the Spirit energy heaviness persists after eight weeks, I would attempt to assist the soul in crossing using the resources above.
If it lifts, smile, breathe easy and expect dream visitations and signs as they learn to fully operate in The Spirit World.
Since all Earthbound Spirits, the term used for a Spirit yet to cross, are someone’s loved one, try to perform all activities with the deceased with care, love and compassion.
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