11 Spiritual Meanings of a Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipses happen on average, 2-5 times per year and they only occur during a New Moon.
There are several types of solar eclipses: total, annular, partial and hybrid, with total eclipses taking place around every 18 months.
Total solar eclipses happen when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, totally blocking the face of the sun and cutting off light from the sun.
Annular solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, but at the farthest point from Earth. Partial eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon and Earth are not perfectly lined up.
Hybrid solar eclipses happen when the eclipse shifts between Annular and Total as the Moon’s shadow moves over the globe.
In 2025, there are 2 solar eclipses:
Partial Solar Eclipse March 29, 6:57:34 ET at 9 Aries 00
Partial Solar Eclipse September 21, 15:53:51 ET at 29 Virgo 05
Solar eclipses are not only cool astronomical events but they’re also powerful spiritual events, for those who follow astrology.
They’re rich with spiritual themes and are often met with quite a bit of fanfare in the spiritual community, since they are known for being transformative events.
Below are 11 symbolic reasons why solar eclipses are spiritually meaningful:
1 - They bring news of life events
Eclipses usually bring an update to the forefront for some big life event.
A relationship moves to the next stage, a career experiences a breakthrough or a shift, the sale or purchase of real estate happens, large financial events come to a head, a health matter becomes urgent or resolves, a cross country move may be finalized and so on.
You can expect an eclipse to bring to culmination a matter that has been simmering for a while, but hasn’t seen any action.
If you are waiting for some forward movement in an area that you want to see evolve, an eclipse can help push things ahead.
2 - Something begins
Solar eclipses bring new beginnings and bright new opportunities.
They carry to you unexpected news out of nowhere that will initiate from events happening elsewhere. The surprises of the eclipse will often come out of left-field, you won’t be expecting it, but they will welcome in a new way of being.
Look at the zodiac sign the eclipse is in for a hint on what area of life this news will be coming from.
3 - Progressing things towards culmination
Each eclipse happens in a series of one family of signs until the matter is addressed.
The first eclipse in the series will bring the matter up for discussion and each subsequent eclipse will bring the issue up to a higher level until it is finally evolved to where it needs to be.
This process also evolves your perspective on the matter along the way.
For example, right now we’re in the third and final eclipse of a solar eclipse series of Aries, which we started in 2023.
The new beginning you can expect will likely be about the same news you experienced the past 2 years around this time, but on a higher level.
To get more ideas for what to expect, the last time we were in this series was in 2004 - 2006. What can you remember happening around this time?
Or… the beginning of this series was April 19, 2023. What new beginnings, potentially initiated by endings, can you remember happening around this time?
Note: these series can occur in both lunar and solar eclipses and may not necessarily be back to back - i.e. the three eclipses can be the fall solar eclipse for three years and not the next three eclipses or it could jump around between lunar and solar.
4 - A speeding up or shifting of timelines
Eclipses are known to bring random events to your doorstep, which are happening elsewhere outside of your control and they escort in rapid changes.
Spiritually, this means that timelines can shift. Events that you thought were months or years off, will suddenly be right at your door.
Maybe your marriage plans that you thought were years off, are happening right now instead. A move you thought you had time to think about is now happening this month.
Eclipses bring acceleration of events.
5 - A bright, blinding ray of truth
Eclipses are known to be illuminators of hidden information.
They reveal a truth about a condition you never knew existed. The information they reveal will act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will have to take.
You may be shocked or surprised by the information eclipses bring. They can shake things up and be somewhat emotional to process, so be gentle on yourself during the eclipse period.
If you’re paying attention, you can use the eclipse as a powerful tool to sit up and take action. These events are your friends and are protective, so be grateful for the truth, whatever that truth may be.
A great way to think of an eclipse is as though a question you’ve been asking for a while is suddenly answered. Maybe you were at a loss for understanding the “why, what or how” of a situation, and all of a sudden some concealed insight comes to light.
This truth may change the way you view things moving forward.
6 - A non-negotiable, firm message
Even if the news you receive during an eclipse comes as subjective gossip, or as a secret, consider it serious and investigate.
Accept the information and move forward with it as though you can’t go back now, because you can’t.
Eclipses often bring changes that are irreversible, so save your dignity - don’t beg or plead for things to not be what they were. Don’t stand there in disbelief and say “I can’t believe xyz…. I wish xyz hadn’t happened…”
Believe it. It may take a few days to process the message your eclipse brings, but you must move forward as though the findings are permanent.
The energy of the eclipse wants you to have new experiences so it will demand that you progress forward and not go back to the way things used to be.
7 - An important person may be eclipsed out
Solar eclipses point to a certain male that may be leaving your life.
You may break up with a man or a boss may quit. Consider a father figure, husband figure, grandfather figure, prominent boss, business associate or male friend may be departing.
This doesn’t happen every solar eclipse, but just keep an eye out for it.
8 - Eclipse events have more spiritual weight than a new moon
New moons and solar eclipses always go together.
Traditionally, they both symbolize new beginnings and opportunities, but when a solar eclipse is involved, give any and all new beginnings or opportunities extra significance.
Think of them like super charged new moons; they often bring important events together that feel fated.
9 - Break free from a pattern or karmic loop
During the solar eclipse, you may notice an old friend who contacts you or someone may come to your mind repeatedly. This is a sign that the karma needs to be released and a new beginning needs to take foot.
The solar eclipse offers an opportunity for you to act differently and change the way you handle an emotional pattern in a relationship at home or work.
They can reset the energy field and archetypal patterns that help you respond in a new way.
10 - They’re more helpful when they’re around your birthday or in your birth element
If an eclipse falls within 5 days of your birthday, they are usually more impactful, friendly and helpful. Your old life will fade out faster as the new life takes shape.
Additionally, if the eclipse is in your same zodiac sign’s element (air, water, earth, fire), it is also often more friendly to you.
11 - A gateway of transformation, rebirth and renewal
Eclipse periods can be an opportunity to grow spiritually, heal and be an ideal time to set intentions for how you want to see things play out in the new life they bring in.
Because of the changes they initiate, they can bring changes in your energy, since your vibration will likely shift as the catalyzing information translates to actions.
No matter what change takes place during a solar eclipse, remember, increase your self care as you support yourself through life’s big moments and transformations. You may feel different, or not like yourself, as you engage in the rebirth cycle the solar eclipse brings in.
To usher in the new beginnings of the solar eclipse, remember to continue your daily meditation, journalling and intention setting practice.
It’s a good idea to also energetically clear your home and yourself, with a tool like White Sage, to help release the old energy so you can welcome in the new with ease.
Changes or shifts that occur due to a solar eclipse may happen on the date of the eclipse itself, as well as within a 5 day window before or after the eclipse.
All in all, solar eclipses are one of my favorite astrological events of the year because they bring in newness for everyone.
For this reason, solar eclipses can be an exciting time of new partnerships, ventures and life chapters.
They are typically preceded by a lunar eclipse paired with a full moon, which means that any letting go of the old practices you needed to do to welcome in these changes has already taken place. When the solar eclipse arrives, your slate is clean and ready for something new.
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