How To Upgrade Or Change Your Member Subscription

Photo of lavender smoke by Marek Piwnicki on Pexels

Your Member Account is designed to be entirely self service. 

As a Member, you’ll get your own unique login so you can access member materials and make changes to your Member Account at any time.

Login to your Member Account HERE or:

From your Member Account, you can change your Member Subscription from a Free Trial to a Monthly Plan. You can also change an expired Member Plan to a Paid Member Plan, or upgrade your subscription from a Monthly to an Annual Plan.

Below we’ll cover the steps on how to upgrade or change your Member Subscription!

Depending on the status of your Member Account, you’ll want to use either the first or second set of steps below.

Use the first set up steps if you’re not logged into your Member Account or your current Member Plan is expired.

Scroll down to the second set of steps if you’re already logged into your Member Account, have an existing Member Plan or you’re upgrading your paid plan to another paid plan.

If you’re not logged into your Member account or your current Member Plan is expired… 

1. Start by logging into your Member Account HERE or from The Membership Page

You can login on the top right corner of the Membership Page or via the footer on any page.

Membership Login Button on the Membership Page

2. Use your Email and Password to login to your Member Account

Member login screen

3. Once logged in, your Member Account Dashboard will pop up right away

On this screen, click “Change plans.”

Member account dashboard screen

4. Choose which plan you’d like to join

Click “Join Plan” when you’ve decided.

Member Plan selection page

5. Enter your payment details for your new plan

When complete, hit “Subscribe Now.”

Member Monthly Subscription Payment Plan

6. You’re in!

Your subscription is auto-renewing until you decide to change plans or cancel. You will receive a receipt email in addition to seeing this confirmation screen.

Thank you for joining! screen

If you’re already on a Member Plan and would like to upgrade or change plans:

1 - CLICK HERE or visit The Member Center’s “Member Center Menu” in the top right corner of the page

The Member Center and Member Center Menu homescreen

2. Click on “Your Account” in the Member Center Menu

Member Account Menu

3. Click on “Change Plans” under Your Account

Member Account Dashboard

4. Choose Your Plan

Click “Join plan” on whichever plan you decide on. 

Member Plan Options

5. Enter Your Payment Details

If you have an active plan, your payment details may already be on file. You can choose to use your existing payment method or enter a new payment method. 

Click “Subscribe Now” when ready.

Monthly Member Plan payment screen

6. (optional) Potential credit when upgrading during your billing cycle

If you’re upgrading your plan from one paid plan to another paid plan in the middle of your billing cycle and there is a credit available, you will receive a discount for any remaining balance you have on your current plan. 

Your subscription will be updated to the new paid plan and your new subscription will auto-renew on your new plan’s schedule until you change or cancel your plan.

Member Plan upgrade credit

7. You’re in!

You will receive a receipt email in addition to seeing this confirmation screen.

Thank you for joining!

There you have it! 

These steps can help you change or upgrade your plan. If you’d like to cancel your plan, check out this article: How To Cancel Your Member Subscription.

For more assistance with your Member Account, please reach out to us at


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