Asking Your Spirit Guides For Help With Love

Photo of four heart shaped coils up close by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Updated 2025.01.16

Asking Spirit Guides for help can seem like a challenging task, but rest assured, connecting with your Spirit Guides for assistance with anything can be easy. You can do it in as little as five minutes. Connecting with Spirit Guides can also feel good. 

You may already know some Angels can help with love. Still, Spirit Guides, usually closer to the Earth in their last incarnation, can also assist with finding love and soulmates.

When asking Spirit Guides for signs, or assistance, the first thing to know is that your Spirit Guides are usually there, in your energy field, guiding your soul to the very thing you desire.

After knowing that, some people find it helps to have specific steps to take to connect and tune in. While it's possible to find out the appropriate steps to take to find love in a reading, most Spirit Guides specialize in this and can connect to it easily.

I've gone to the wishing well many times on this, for myself and others. From it, I've found there are usually specific steps you can take to ask your Spirit Guides for assistance with love. Today, I want to share those steps. Whether you are looking for love in platonic, romantic or workplace situations, you can use the below steps.

If you're manifesting love in the form of romance, friendships, or family relationships, harmony and joy with others is one of the sweetest, best parts of living on Earth. 

So, in my opinion, it is always worth investing in moving closer to love. 

If you want to return love to a relationship, or access new relationships where reciprocal love and appreciation is allowed, accepted and flowing continue reading.

To begin, asking Spirit Guides to help bring love in, let's start with an intention.

3 Steps To Ask Spirit Guides For Love Assistance

Photo of four heart shaped coils up close by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels with text overlay - Asking Spirit Guides For Help With Love.

1 - Set an Intention

Setting an intention is like deciding your focus spot. It helps you center in on a destination, so you get there quicker. An intention also allows your Spirit Guides to give pin-pointed advice or downloads in that area only. 

For this exercise, write down one area of love and support you need help with or one area of your life that represents love to you, that you want to see flourish. It can be any area. 

2 - Call in the Spiritual Colors of Love

Visualize your Heart Chakra filling with the light of fuchsia, pink and peach. Think of the colors of a glowing, loving heart. 

The Heart is the intuition system's brain. Visualizing your heart area filled with the colors of love primes it to come in and heightens your awareness of it when there is love around, due to the law of reflection.

3 - Receive an Intuitive Message

Try this step clairvoyantly, place your hands upwards on your lap, take three deep breaths, and ask a question related to your intention. What can I do to bring in more love in this place or situation?

See what images or inspirations come in. If it's different from what you expected or what was on your mind, this is good. It means you are allowing inspiration to flow in from another energy present, which is often your Spirit Guides.

What if I do this exercise and other forms of love show up?

Vertical photo of six scattered heart shaped coils by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

I usually recommend accepting any form of love as it appears in the first stages of doing the above.

As you welcome variations of love, the more likely you will be to sense it, appreciate it, and welcome more of it when it appears or when the thing you had in mind shows up. 

So to recap, to ask for love guidance from Spirit Guides:

Photo of three heart shaped coils in a row by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
  1. Set a focus point - an intention, what you want to know

  2. Fill your energy with the light vibration of love

  3. Open up to receive an image, physically or in the mind's eye as a step of guidance to move closer to your desired goal - more love

If you are working towards opening more in this area, I recommend keeping up with the above activity once a day, for up to 21-days. It can help pull you closer in the direction and set a new pattern of love-seeking, bringing it towards you.

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