A Few Ideas For Ending Karmic Patterns

Photo of black and white hive pattern by Iva Muškić from Pexels

Photo of black and white hive pattern by Iva Muškić from Pexels

Updated 2020.12.18 and just FYI, this blog is based on a reader question.


I'm very interested in healing karma relationships!!

I am in a relationship like the story said!!! Many years have passed by!!! Once I read your story I felt like deja vu and I feel that you can help me heal and let go of the suffering and agony that I've been through!!

Please advise how to connect with you and help me to break away from this nightmare!!

Cordially yours,


Vertical photo of white and blue spiral staircase by Mithul Varshan from Pexels

Vertical photo of white and blue spiral staircase by Mithul Varshan from Pexels


The article you are referring to is this one: Karmic Relationships.

In my world, a lot of people use a psychic technique called cord cutting, to disentangle the energy between themselves and another person, situation or event.

This helps to release them from any karmic pattern relationship, or pattern in general.

However, some relationships just get into negative energy patterns and they don't necessarily need to be ended, when they could just be rewound but now a newer, healthier pattern.

For this, cord cutting can still help, by setting your intention to cut only the negative cords and keep only the positive ones. 

I have several different meditations in The Membership archives that help you cord cut from others in different ways for different situations, but you can also find many excellent articles on how to use psychic cord cutting on this site.

I have one article with tips on cord cutting here to begin to unravel the energetic ties and patterns between you and any person.

Some people call in Archangel Michael for help adding extra protection and to prevent re-cording with the person.

Archangel Michael specializes in energy shielding, so asking for Archangel Michael's help is just a Level 2 protection added to a basic cord cutting that many people do. 

If you do a cord cutting technique and it hasn't worked or you feel that person's energy is back after you already did this, or that they're reverting to old patterns with you, it is likely because the person has started to record you.

Keep in mind: for stubborn karmic connections and cords, and for creating and strengthening newer positive cords and patterns that have been out of whack for a while -

It can take anywhere between 7-21 days of doing a psychic cord-cutting procedure at least once a day, every day, before the other party finally "gets the point” and backs off or starts to jive in the new positive energy cords you've been reinforcing that whole time.

You can cut a cord completely if it's only negative holding you, or if you wish to resolve the relationship, you could cut only the negative ones as mentioned above and then put all your energy into reinforcing only the positive ones.

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