The 3 Best Psychic Diet Ideas To Promote Stronger Abilities

Psychic Foods: 3 Top Things to Eat to Improve Your Gifts. Photo of a cup of coffee on brown background by Jakub Dziubak on Unsplash

Psychic Foods: 3 Top Things to Eat to Improve Your Gifts. Photo of a cup of coffee on brown background by Jakub Dziubak on Unsplash

Updated 2021.12.30

Following inner guidance is easier when your mind, body and Spirit are clear.

The most important thing you need to connect with Spirit, to input, is maintaining a clear mind and sound body. The more clarity of mind you have, the clearer your message becomes. 

Your body and mind are generally most precise when they are relaxed, pain-free, and satiated. 

Anything that creates a foggy or unclear mind is best left out of your diet and life to receive optimum connection with Spirit.

As unique beings, each of us has unique foods and drinks that cause us to feel less than optimum. These can change throughout our lifetime.

Something you tolerated seven years ago, the more observant and aware your body becomes, the less you may be able to handle it now. 

Think about what these are and avoid them as best as possible before attempting a spiritual connection.

You may not always be able to avoid all things, due to customs or eating out, simply pay attention to what inputs make you feel more alive. 

There is a list of things you can do to improve your connection to Spirit, and some of it is specific to you, your culture, and what is available in your area.

There are also general tips that over the years, I've found, tend to help everyone feel more charged, connected, and centered. 

Feeling charged, centered, and connected, are all things you need to be a conduit to Source for yourself and others. 

See below for three diet and intake guidelines that can enhance your connection, and thankfully, all of them are affordable. 

3 Food And Drink Tips For A Better Source Connection

Best Foods And Drinks To Have To Increase Your Connection To Source. Photo of a cup of coffee on brown background by Jakub Dziubak on Unsplash with text overlay - 3 Diet and Food Guidelines for Amplifying Source Connections.

Best Foods And Drinks To Have To Increase Your Connection To Source. Photo of a cup of coffee on brown background by Jakub Dziubak on Unsplash with text overlay - 3 Diet and Food Guidelines for Amplifying Source Connections.

1 - Drink More Water

Your physical body consists of over 60% water and needs water to function. 

As a soul wrapped in a body full of pores and air pockets, experiencing change and transpiration, you are continually evaporating and losing water. 

For your spiritual body to function, your physical body must be functional.

Think of all your cells as living inside a semi-terrestrial aquarium for amphibians. They need to be misted and cared for, or they start to cough and feel like less than their best selves.

Focusing on hunting food is a challenge; conversations feel like a bore. All until the balance is restored. 

You could still entertain other organisms, but it wouldn’t be the best experience for everyone.  

So the fastest and easiest way to maintain your body is to drink plenty of water.

Keeping the body salt-water balance in key takes the focus of your mind off of physical survival. Then you can focus on something higher up on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, such as Spiritual fulfillment, as is the case in readings. 

Drinking water also helps improve the fluidity of your blood - more water, more fluidity in your body, making connections happen faster. 

Spirit operates entirely on connecting with you through the fluidity of energy, of thought, of transference, of feelings. 

The more fluidity in your body, the easier it is to transfer messages to you and for you to receive them with clarity.

In another example, imagine being a shark, and attempting to pick up on the vibration of a small fish, a meal, in the ocean with you, but some distance away. 

Now imagine that the ocean is molasses.

Who would have a faster time picking up the signal of vibration from the moving fish - a shark swimming in the fluid ocean of water or the viscous ocean of molasses?

Sure, the shark in molasses will eventually sense the movement and sense the fish. Still, the energy may take longer to travel there, and once it does arrive, be more subtle in vibration due to the denseness of the fluid.

There is more freedom of movement in the water, more flow. 

To receive faster messages and pick up on more acute movements of the fish, it is better in an ocean full of water.

The best thing you can do to improve your connection to Spirit: Stay hydrated.

If you have a reading, I encourage drinking water and hydrating the day before, or even the night before, for best results. 

If you prefer not the taste of water, adding some antioxidant-rich juice, some electrolyte packets, or even drinking from a straw I've found can help. 

2 - Increase Your Consumption Of Natural Foods

All foods, all plants, and all animals start as Source Energy, just as you or I. 

Connecting with Source Energy, with your Spirit Guides, Angels and Loved Ones can be more comfortable when you connect with Source energy frequently

The closer your consumed foods are to their original form, the closer you will be naturally to Source energy.

Having a handful of walnuts or almonds, or blueberries, lettuces, or even plain meat, can enhance your connection. 

It does not even have to be a full meal, simply eat food as close to off the tree or out of the ground as possible can improve your available energy. 

As food is linked, connected, and rooted in the earth, it is the manifestation of source energy in the physical plane. 

Thus, it is grounding, centering, and it links you with the source energy that is all around you on the physical plane.

Everyone feels better after eating a meal that has been grown, harvested, and served in the most natural and true form possible.

Eat vegetables and fruits that are in season. Eat meats that are raised naturally and prepared in your area. Enjoying grains in their natural form is the best way to ground yourself - connect with Source energy.

If you look around the shops in your area, you will likely be able to find affordable hotspots for each of these things. 

For example, where I live, affordable grass-fed meats come from Lidl. Affordable, healthy nuts come from Costco. Organic, affordable vegetables come from the farmers market or Amish country. 

These are just examples in my neighborhood, and in the beginning, you may have to do some searching for budget-friendly options for Earth-friendly foods, but trust me, they are there. 

You, as a Spiritual body within a Physical body, are like a lightning bolt of electricity needing a conduit to reach the ground. Your body is the conduit. Your food is the grounding wire.

The more whole, natural foods you consume, closest to their Source form, the clearer and faster your connection will be. 

In a crunch and need something grounding, fast? 

Rather than a heavy meal before a reading or a Source connection, a handful of salted almonds or an herbal tea might be helpful. Some people just do crackers. On the crackers, it's usually the minerals in the Salt that are the most grounding. 

I also sometimes just do olives. 

Get as close as you can to something that is going to be healthy and as close to its original form as you can. 

3 - Decrease Toxin Intake

In this last part, one of the reasons why earth-connected foods are recommended is that preservatives in pre-prepared food can slow the body down. 

The body processing preservatives creates a focus on the lower chakras, not allowing you to go to the upper chakras so quickly. 

That said, toxins to you may be different from toxins to me. A toxin is anything that doesn’t allow you to be your best and the way you identify them is by noticing how you feel immediately after taking them in.

The more energy your overall body is spending on processing modifications and intakes, taking out the unprocessable, the less energy it can give to your spiritual body to operate.

Naturally, avoid intoxicants before a session of connecting with Spirit, if possible, though, it is possible to connect with Spirit under the influence of plant medicine.

So to recap…

Photo of clear glass on wood surface with gold mirror in rear by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Photo of clear glass on wood surface with gold mirror in rear by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

  • Hydrate to keep the flows going

  • Ground your energy with close-to-earth foods

  • Cutting out toxins as much as possible

These are all things you can do to improve your connection.

Mediums need not have completely pure diets, and many do smoke, drink, or leave wiggle room for liberations in their life. 

If you are connecting with the Divine, other people may take an interest and want to take you out and celebrate with you. So I recommend not necessarily avoiding liberations entirely so that you learn to some extent what your limits are. 

But when connecting with Spirit for yourself or others, just know that having a pure diet, staying hydrated, and limited adulterations to your food can improve your link. 

You may prefer eating a rather simple diet, and many mediums and psychics go Paleo or Keto if they can, mainly just out of ease. So if that calls to you do. 

If mediumship and psychic support is your calling, simply remember that when connecting to Spirit, your goal is to be a clear channel and a direct conduit.

The aim is to receive messages as a clear channel, which is the most excellent and highest good. 

As the conduit (you) - what makes you feel your most significant and highest? 

Simply aim to consume these things, more often. 

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