The 2 Types Of Spirit Guides Everyone Has On Their Team
Updated 2024.12.23
Spirit Guides are individuals in Spirit who have previously been human, but currently lack a human body. They are your spirit guardians on the other side, providing you with friendship, support, guidance, and direction on your path.
Spirit Guides have been chosen for you and selected by you before your birth onto this Earth in a physical body in this lifetime.
For this reason, many people believe that your Spirit Guides are your closest friends from your past lives - who have not taken a physical form in this lifetime, but instead, have chosen to guide you on your path while you are on Earth.
Spirit Guides often appear and take the visual form of a human, however, their culture, dress, and expertise of guidance varies from guide to guide and the roles that each Spirit Guide may fill in your life varies from person to person.
While many people have any number of specialists on their team, everyone has a core group of at least two or three Spirit Guides who provide you with daily guidance and assistance, in addition to whatever other shoes he or she may fill.
These two Spirit Guides are the Life Guide and the Gatekeeper Guide.
Your Life Guide can be a person or an animal, who is responsible for assisting you with guidance about navigating the physical world.
Your life guide helps solve practical problems, assists you with career and relationship decisions, with the protection, self-development and advancement and security within the physical world.
Working with and developing a relationship with your Life Guide is your key to:
Finding the best career opportunities
Meeting just the right people you need to know
Finding the best and most aligned teachers and learning opportunities
Finding a core friendship group
Helping you find success in small and large tasks - from finding the perfect parking spot to getting the house of your dreams
Aligning ideal housing and living opportunities
Physical world communication and navigational skills
Protecting you from physical world dangers
Your Gatekeeper Guide can be a person, animal or double as a Guardian Angel, and is responsible for reopening or maintaining your connection to your home base in the Spiritual World during your time on Earth.
A Gatekeeper Guide can assist you in opening (and re-opening) your intuitive abilities and opening your connection to Spirit.
This guide specializes in assisting in opening your connection to the Divine, providing you with safety and support when developing and connecting to those in Spirit and offering you intuitive guidance, emotional support, and insight on understanding, compassion, and love.
Working with and developing a relationship with your Gatekeeper Guide is your key to:
Emotional happiness within yourself and in your relationships
Compassionate understanding in otherwise difficult to process relationships and situations
Knowledge and guidance to help you navigate difficult and challenging situations
Developing your inner intuitive abilities
Helping to open and maintain your connection to Spirit
Spirit world communication and understanding
Protection you from the emotions and energy of others
Your Life Guide, sometimes called a Protector Guide, can help you navigate the physical world while you operate as a Spirit of this Earth in a physical body, whereas your Gatekeeper Guide enables you to navigate the spiritual, energetic and emotional realms better while you are on this earth as a spiritual body, within a physical body.
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