How Do I Know If I Have Intuitive Abilities?

Photo of key on tree stump by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

Photo of key on tree stump by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

Updated 2020.12.28

Intuitive Gifts & Abilities. Do you have an intuitive ability? In this post, I discuss how to know if you are intuitive.

Many people have natural intuitive abilities, and most don’t even realize them to be special, unique, or interesting - because it is something that has always been with them.

Imagine that you have big, beautiful eyes.

You were born with them. 

Well, you might not think they are as special, beautiful, cool, or unique because they are so normal and commonplace to you - you almost can’t see the beauty in them until someone points it out for you - because it’s just a part of who you are.

Many people often only notice the beauty in something exotic and unfamiliar.

It takes the true awareness seeker, to notice the beauty right beneath their feet.

Likewise, it’s often not a question of whether or not you have intuitive abilities, it’s a question of which ones are strongest and most naturally active in you at the current time

These are the abilities you can begin to strengthen and develop.

The popular myth that intuitive abilities are a gift you are born with, and that some people aren’t born with them is, actually, not a sad fact. It is not true that you are either gifted or you aren’t.

Everyone is intuitive

Everyone is born intuitive. As a spiritual being placed onto this Earth, we get taught and conditioned out of trusting it. We are often taught as children not to trust ourselves and our own judgment, but to trust the judgment of our parents, our brothers, our friends over our own.

Intuitive abilities can be taught out so easily. Here’s how it can happen:

Imagine a little you, as 4 yrs old, right after bedtime, you hear your parents fighting and you get up from your room, in your jams with your stuffed animal and go to your mom’s and dad’s room. There, you ask your mom and dad if they are okay. 

Clearly, they are not, because you heard fighting. But, in an effort to soothe you and lure you back to sleep and now feeling bad because you overheard their fight, they say, everything is fine!

Here's what just went down: 

  1. Everything was not fine.

  2. Someone told you it was.

  3. In that singular instant you were taught that what you perceived could not be trusted. 

This can happen in our adult lives, too.

In romantic lives,  in friendships, any time when you share your feelings, thoughts or perceptions and someone says, “No! You’re wrong!” . . . even if you weren’t (you usually aren’t), you re-teach yourself, with the help of others, “Oh, I’m bad at reading body language. I misinterpreted that."

No one is bad at reading body language. Some people will even mask times when their energy is read without their permission, to save face, because they are embarrassed by what was seen in their energy field.

So we are told our vision is wrong, when in fact, it’s not - intuition is taught out this way if you listen to all the feedback.

We need to be able to read and perceive the thoughts of others for our own survival - just like I talked about minutes ago. It’s skill and an ability all humans are born with, some may argue, as essential as the need for a secure shelter.

So it’s really not a matter of if you have them, it’s a matter of which ones you are already using most naturally and identifying which ones are already manifesting for you in the physical world, so that you can begin to translate those abilities to manifesting and using them in the intuitive world. Then, teaching yourself to trust them again.

The four different intuitive abilities (spiritual senses) can be paired with your strongest physical senses

  • Clairvoyance & clear seeing / physical sight

  • Clairaudience & clear hearing / physical, external sound

  • Clairsentience & clear feeling / physical touch, taste, smell 

  • Claircognizance & clear knowing / mental logic and brain processing

Intuitive Ability Identification Tip:

The way in which you offer help to others, is often the way your intuitive abilities already manifest in the physical world.

Are you emotional support? That’s clairsentience.

Are you logistical planning (foresight)? That’s clairvoyance.

Are you good at hearing or speaking the words between the words? That’s clairaudience.

Do you often come up with strokes of genius or brilliant plans (thinking and ideas)? That’s claircognizance.

Ask those in your life how you are most helpful. 

Then link this to your strongest physical sense above. This can show you which particular gift you have naturally.

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