666 Angel Number

Image of pink bokeh orbs by kytalpa from Pixabay

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The I-Ching is the first numerology book I ever picked up.

In it, 6 is a number of conflicts. It symbolizes two people locked in personal absolutes. In your view, you are the right one. In their terms, they are the right one.

The purpose of seeing the number 6, in the I-Ching, is to remind you that from an objective point of view, your values, your aims, your actions are only a part of the overall whole of factors in a situation.

The number 6 reminds you to keep the ‘others’ vision’ in your mind as you deal with others. Without lowering your standards, see if you can try to meet others halfway.

In reality, the I-Ching's number 6 is really a symbol of encouraging resolution.

Mathematically, 6 is known to be a perfect number, meaning 6 is the sum and product of its factors. Perfect numbers tend to be stable and harmonious.

Those born in the Numerology year 6 are known to be creative problem solvers. Biblically, the Earth was formed in 6 days, so in some spiritual circles, the number 6 is often seen as a number of completion.

In astrology, the 6th house references your daily routine and the methods you use to get work done. The cusp of this house could indicate the nature of your work and environment of your workplace.

I use the shape of the number to also interpret the message and 6 is an almost completed infinity loop. Seeing the number 6 in a series can symbolize a project almost complete, or indicate something needs an inch more of attention to come to resolution.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the number 6 symbolism, let’s talk about what it means when you see 666 as a repeating number.

666 Angel Number Meaning

Image of pink bokeh orbs by kytalpa from Pixabay with text overlay 666 Angel Number

Angel numbers, also called repeating numbers, are often seen as positive signs. 

When you see a triple series of 6 together this can be a symbol of divinity encouraging you, as 3s are often associated with the Holy Trinity. This is one of the reasons why triple numbers are often called “angel numbers.”

Together, the 666 boils down to the single digit 9:

6+6+6 = 18 

1+8 = 9

9 is a number of near-completion. It is a sign you are almost there, you are about to “crest the peak of the mountain.” For this reason, it can be a sign encouraging you to refocus your energy to reach your goal or resolution.

666 Meaning in Money

The 6th house is about your daily routine and workplace. When you see 666 when contemplating a financial issue, it can indicate more money is coming as final details and negotiations are completed. 

It can also symbolize that one more piece of the puzzle is needed to benefit from an increase in money. Do not drop the ball now, keep up with the details, and be agreeable, because you’re almost at the finish line. 

666 Meaning in Love

In numerology, number 6 birth year people are the shoulder to lean on. They are empathic, compassionate and listening. Venus, the planet of love, is also represented by the number 6. 

Seeing 666 repeatedly can confirm that a relationship you are focused on is with a person who has reliable ‘shoulder to lean on’ qualities. It can also indicate these are the qualities in you that your relationships require now.

Seeing 666 in a twin flame relationship can mean this relationship is a great source of love to you at this moment and it is okay to “rely on” it.

Overall, the repeating number 666 symbolizes:

Image of purple and blue bokeh lights by JL G from Pixabay
  • Give your attention to bringing a conflicting situation(s) to resolution

  • Keep going, refocus your energy to reach completion of a goal

  • You have an abundance of loving energy supporting you in relationships at the moment, remember lean on these

When you see 666, use this angel number as your cue to walk the middle road, focus on reaching the finish line and tap into your loving relationships for support.

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