Am I Having A Boy Or Girl? How To See It Clairvoyantly

Photo of woman making heart shape with her hands over pregnant belly button wearing a blue hipster bottom in bright blue background by Ignacio Campo on Unsplash

Photo of woman making heart shape with her hands over pregnant belly button wearing a blue hipster bottom in bright blue background by Ignacio Campo on Unsplash

Updated 2021.12.08

Am I going to have a baby? Is it going to be a boy or a girl?

These are two of the first questions I started to do readings on, and they continue to be commonly asked questions by new and hopeful mothers in psychic readings. 

Most mothers have some idea when they have incoming energy in their field and can sense a Child's Spirit is near. 

In intuitive readings, you can usually tell whether there's a baby around a person and if there is, what the gender may be. 

The Spirit of the Child who is coming to you has already been planned. This Spirit coming in with you is part of your soul contract

How a baby spirit appears as light

Tuning in using your mind's eye, a psychic sees a baby spirit coming to a new mother. This soul often looks like a ball of Light, hovering over the shoulder of the mother or father. 

More than one child coming your way, a psychic will generally see more than one light.

The souls can appear in a line, allowing you to predict how many children souls a mother may incarnate within their lifetime. 

Each Light represents a single Baby Spirit coming through to you. They can stay with a mother well towards and into menopause, as some Baby Spirits you may take care of and mother in other ways. 

Depending on the nearness of the birth, usually determines how big the ball of Light looks in the ethers and how close it is to you and your energy field. 

Sometimes, if the potential father is already selected, a clairvoyant can see this ball of Light over his shoulder. 

To practice tuning in, then -

How do you know if the Light is a boy or a girl?

Photo pregnant woman standing on a pink and blue watery surface with a pink blue horizon in the background by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Photo pregnant woman standing on a pink and blue watery surface with a pink blue horizon in the background by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

1. Ask your guides to show you Light over a person's aura

Try asking your Guides to show you a Light, over the shoulder of the mother, to show you the Spirit of a Child.

You can see it in your mind's eye by imagining the Spirit of the mother in front of you. 

Notice if the size, brightness, or distance of the Light might mark the nearness to the birth of this child. You can do this by asking your client to validate the delivery after you see it. 

2. Ask to see gender using color or energy feel

Spirit defines boy or girl not by physical body gender but by Spirit or soul leaning. If the soul leans more masculine, an active generator, or more feminine a yielding giver, you may see redder or more blue Light. 

In the Spirit World, feminine energy usually appears blue. Masculine regularly appears redder. 

Whether a child is a boy or girl in Spirit Energy usually represents the level of masculine nature or feminine nature in the upcoming Spirit. Also known as yin and yang, not the body they're going to be born into, though it can hint to it. 

You can also ask your Guides to give you a feel in your heart, clairsentiently, the same way you could sense if an Archangel feels masculine or feminine. 

3. Pay attention to your dreams

Some psychics see things for their clients in dream space the night before their appointments. 

Also, if you are the mother, often the Spirit of the child can appear in your dreams or during astral times, such as before waking or about to sleep. 

Seeing a feminine child, but having a boy, can symbolize a more sensitive, intuitive soul. 

Seeing masculine energy, but embodying a girl, can symbolize a girl who will be a fiery, passionate Spirit.

Having a baby? This post discusses how to see if you’re going to have a baby, a boy or a girl, clairvoyantly/psychically. Photo pregnant woman standing on a pink and blue watery surface with a pink blue horizon in the background by Jonathan Borba on…

Having a baby? This post discusses how to see if you’re going to have a baby, a boy or a girl, clairvoyantly/psychically. Photo pregnant woman standing on a pink and blue watery surface with a pink blue horizon in the background by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash with text overlay - Am I Going To Have A Boy Or A Girl? A Psychic Explains How To See It Clairvoyantly.

So to recap

  • In general, the Spirit of the child can be visible energetically before birth.

  • It typically applies to the essence of the soul being born, which does not necessarily mean the physical gender.

  • You can look into it energetically with accuracy, with the techniques above.

If you see the opposite of what you expect, this is a positive sign you see it clairvoyantly over wishful thinking.

It's essential to have men who are more yin and women who are more yang and all the mixtures in between, especially on Earth now. 

The Spirit World can show you the essence of your baby using color, feel, or even mental images when tuning into the soul of the mother, the father or the baby, psychically. 

Seeing the Spirit of a Baby is a lot like giving a reading into a future event, or an A/B split reading. 

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