Have My Guardian Angels Forgotten About Me?

Can your guardian Angels forget about you? Photo of lanterns being let into the sky by Melanie Magdalena on Unsplash

Can your guardian Angels forget about you? Photo of lanterns being let into the sky by Melanie Magdalena on Unsplash

plus 3 things you can do to get connected again

Updated 2022.02.02 with new links.

Writing this blog, I often feel like half of my life experiences have happened just if only so I could explain to others that it is possible to overcome it.

I’ve lived several years without furniture, slept on family member’s couches, and I’ve been unable to pay many bills. 

When I was first starting this website, I did it out of a free trailer, and then, I moved back to a family member’s house and took consultations out of a shared unfinished basement.

I've been without a single dollar to my name the day rent was due, stood in line more than once at a food bank, and I've been negative in my bank account buying dinner for the night more times than I can count. 

I've always pulled through, and I’ve had many miraculous moments and so will you.

The voice of an Angel prompted me to switch lanes driving one night, saving both my dog and I’s life. I’ve also had the experience of being directed where to spend a night safely, when stranded while driving late one evening. 

Even still, I’ve frequently felt that my Angels have forgotten about me, though they have always been there. 

Guardian Angels and Archangels sometimes hang back while we go through periods of our lives that guide us to connect with others, who sometimes on our weak moments, are given a chance to step into their inner Hero and be an Angel in a situation. 

Sometimes, our darkest moments, it is us that seek the counsel of the Angels that help guide us through it. 

Today if you're reading this, you've made it thus far. Even still, you may be wondering, 

Are you somehow missing all of the signs that your guides and angels have sent?

If you are, how on earth were you to know what the signs were?

In some cases, we find ourselves in hard situations due to the people around us, and it is until brought to our knees that we see it so clearly. 

In other cases, we get led through the darkness as a way to find the greater truth that we seek. There are signs Angels send and you do learn them as you go, but there is often a deeper meaning for life’s crises.

You may get led to quit a job, which can have rocky moments, only to later become a millionaire based on something you found out while on one of those rocky cliff sides.

Maybe you got some hints about what you were indeed supposed to do or a path to follow, and you blatantly decided to go another direction - I’ve done that, too.

Part of that is testing the guidance can be trusted and learning that it can and you are always forgiven when this happens. But you may suspect you’ve ignored it enough, you're asking:

Have my guides given up on me? Have your Angels just said, enough is enough, washed their hands of you, and declared that you were on your own now? Simply because of the times you didn’t listen?

The answer quite simply is this -

Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides have not abandoned you. It is not possible. Assigned to you at birth, they stick with you for your entire life. 

Perhaps something you are guided to in your pain is something you later help others heal. If you can’t feel your guides around you, you can call them closer to you, and I feel the best time to do this is in the morning. 

3 Ways To Call Your Angels Back In

Feeling your Angels are forgetting about you? Everyone can feel this way, and you can call them back in. Photo of lanterns lighting up in the sky by Jason Dent on Unsplash

Feeling your Angels are forgetting about you? Everyone can feel this way, and you can call them back in. Photo of lanterns lighting up in the sky by Jason Dent on Unsplash


Make sure you are alone and pray/meditate to them, close your eyes, and see if you can notice a light. What color is it? This is often the color of the Angel near. 


Invite them to join you in your dream space and do your best to create a relaxing couple of nights. What came to you in your dreams?


Ask, pray, or intentionally write out a request for a living Angel, a helper person to be sent to you to guide you, wait a week, and see who comes into your life. 

Are you feeling like your Angels have forgotten about you? 3 Ways to call the Angelic back in. Can your guardian Angels forget about you? Photo of lanterns being let into the sky by Melanie Magdalena on Unsplash

Are you feeling like your Angels have forgotten about you? 3 Ways to call the Angelic back in. Can your guardian Angels forget about you? Photo of lanterns being let into the sky by Melanie Magdalena on Unsplash

Usually, I ask and then wait to see what lucky energy flows start to appear, or I simply notice the type of spiritual energy I come into contact with within the next week. Angels can send physical validation of their presence and often do.

The Angelic typically starts sending you signs within a short period after asking, as in less than a week, the cues will begin.

In the darkness, while it may feel Angels have left you, usually is when they are the closest to you.

This is often why I feel the emotions and energy feel so strong when in the middle of the transformative times in life.

If you ask who is with you, you can often see colors and hear a name. All Angels are associated with colors that can appear in the mind’s eye or the peripheral that identifies them.

In a quiet moment, you can then ask the Angel for the next move.

Then the next one, then the next. You can even pray for a human Angel to come into your life to directly give you guidance that matches what you receive intuitively, so you know for sure that what you receive is accurate.

It could be the challenge you’re experiencing now that forces you to extend yourself inward to connect with Spirit. 

Have you been trying, trying, trying so hard to extend outward, to make yourself and your life work for you, nearly running your wheels out of oil, down to the bearing joints?

Stop. Sit down at a table.

Enjoy one small luxury, take an hour, and extend yourself inward, then get back to the work of digging yourself a new mountain to sit on.

While your Angels are always there, they are waiting for you to want to get to know them, genuinely, honestly, quietly, and alone.

Take a deep breath.

And ask, Guardian Angels,

Please show me a sign. 

What have you been doing?

What is your role? What am I supposed to be learning now?

Wait for that tap on the head. 

If you ask questions internally, you may receive an answer as a thought. Spirit often speaks internally to you. Listen quietly and intently. 

Remember, your Guides and Angels wait along the shoreline, and sometimes, their voices are difficult to hear over the sound of a swiftly moving stream. 

Sometimes Angels aren’t immediately right there.

They occasionally do these guide huddles where they are watching you, but they may be a little farther away than usual, and you can always call one back in during your next three exhales. 

Your Guides and Angels may call a timeout for a moment, to reconvene, figure out where things need to go next and how they can make that happen, but that doesn’t mean they’ve abandoned you.

They may be simply adjusting to your plan B, plan F, or plan double ZZ. Your Guardian Angels are present with you, and you can begin connecting with them now.

Go quietly within, take a break, and ask them internally. Then, wait for your response.

Even if your Angels feel far away now, they are sometimes easier to sense when everyone is separate from you, and during your most alone times, because there is less interference in your energy field. 

So if you are going through a transitional period, or the let down right before your next come up, keep an eye out, you may see a flash or hear a message that speaks directly and precisely to what is going to lead you out of that desert. 

To call a spirit team directly and get practice doing it, I suggest:

Photo of angel sitting with evergreen and glitter stars by lilartsy from Pexels

Angels can guide us to a better life when we pause and listen, and even if the journey is long and each step we have to make to get there is individual, miracles are possible when we stop to hear the guidance - even if it doesn't feel like that now. 

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