The Spiritual Meaning of the April Pink Moon
Updated 2025.03.24. First published 2024.03.22.
The April Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd at 7:49pm ET is called the Pink Moon.
The origins of this moon’s name comes from ground phlox, the bright creeping flowers that appear every spring.
Ground phlox, also called moss pink or creeping phlox in nursery industry, is personally one of my favorite flowers to see every spring. It’s so eye-catching and makes a great cover for dry sunny areas, like near walkways or on the edges of stonewalls.
Another moon gardening fact: this period from the Full Moon on April 23rd to the Last Quarter of the Moon on May 1st is a great time for weeding, pruning, mowing, cutting timber and planting below ground crops.
This Scorpio Full Moon marks an ideal period to begin preparing your garden for Spring.
Another way to connect with the Pink Full Moon is using your crystals in a ritual.
A Pink Moon Ritual
Work with the Pink Moon’s energy in a Crystal Cleansing Ritual.
Recharge your crystals, by clearing and cleansing their energy in the moonlight. Select the stones whose metaphysical energies you want to amplify and place them in a windowsill under the full moons’ light.
As you place them, ask the stones to work for you with your new intentions for the spring. What would you like the stones to assist you with?
Remove the stones the next morning and place them in an area where you spend a lot of time - like on your nightstand, at your kitchen counter or at your work desk.
Your freshly charged crystals can now passively increase the vibration in your personal energy field.
A few excellent crystals for the Pink Moon are Rhodonite and Moonstone.
Rhodonite is a grounding crystal known as the stone of love; it heals emotional scars, plus brings in renewed passion. Moonstone assists with a greater connection to lunar, feminine energy and your intuition.
Below are 4 spiritual meanings of the April Pink Full Moon
Use this symbolism for the intention setting in your crystal ritual above.
1 - Awaken to Greater Love and Compassion
The pink color surrounding this moon’s lore represents love, compassion and emotional healing. It symbolizes a focus on increasing the positive, loving energy you have for your life, in your relationships and with yourself.
Hold a sacred space of compassion for where you are on your soul’s journey this moon cycle. Remember there is no one map that works for everyone and we’re collectively creating all of this experience as we go.
If you're into spell work, the Full Pink Moon is an ideal time to cast a love spell. I like love spells, because you’re the first to feel the energy you’re sending out; they work to fill your energy field with love, which then extends outward from you.
2 - Access Your Next Transformation and Metamorphosis
According to folklore, it is said around this Full Moon is when witches can shapeshift and take new forms. Also, this full moon is in Scorpio, a zodiac sign connected to transformation, metamorphosis and rebirth.
The passionate and mysterious water sign of Scorpio encourages you to trust your vulnerability in letting go of what no longer serves you so you can step into your next transformation.
Tap into these transformative, high vibrational moon energies to become the next evolution of you.
3 - A Gateway To Heightened Intuition and Access To Feminine Mysteries
While the Full Moon is always a great time to tap into the lunar, feminine mysteries, when it is in Scorpio, this doorway is amplified.
During this Full Moon, you may experience heightened intuition and psychic abilities, allowing you a clearer gateway into your inner wisdom and understanding of your place in the world around you.
Trust your intuitive side and leave some space for journaling and connecting to the Divine Feminine so you take advantage of this period of increased intuition.
4 - Step Into the Flow
This Full Moon is known as a period when the ice begins to break up in rivers and streams, and the water starts to flow again. It is also a time when the maple sap starts flowing from trees, marking an important period in maple syrup season.
During this Full Moon, be more like flowing water or sugar sap.
Follow the path of least resistance. Understand that some sections of the river, like some parts of the day, will be filled with rapids, while other segments will be slower moving.
Be ready to flow with whatever comes your way during this Full Moon.
All in all, April’s Pink Moon is a time of greater love and compassion, heightened intuition and psychic abilities, personal transformation and going with the flow of life.
To tap into the energies of this Scorpio Full Moon, set your favorite pink and white crystals out in the moon’s light.
Ask your crystals to assist you with increasing your ability to attract love, access your intuition, step into your next personal transformation and embrace the flow of your lifes’ great adventure.
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