The 5 Best Oracle Card Decks For Herbalists

Photo of peach floral arrangement with scattered vintage glass bottles by Visuel Colonie on Unsplash

Photo of peach floral arrangement with scattered vintage glass bottles by Visuel Colonie on Unsplash

Updated 2020.06.29 This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Amanda Linette Meder and her partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Are you looking for an oracle card deck for an herbalist?

Herbalists are often in tune with natural elements. They tend to enjoy connecting with divination objects that have a physical component, like reading cards. 

Personally, with a past in ecology and horticulture, I too fit into this category. 

My first reading deck was given to me as a gift after graduating from my Master's Program. It was an herbal deck. 

Since then, I've amassed quite a collection of decks and have had the chance to try out many of them, though, herbal decks remain one of my favorite styles of decks. 

Here is a list of a few of my favorite reading decks for herbalists, botanists, and plant science lovers - 

Photo of dried peach and rust colored flowers in vase on white table top by Visuel Colonie on Unsplash

Photo of dried peach and rust colored flowers in vase on white table top by Visuel Colonie on Unsplash

#1 The Herbal Tarot

One of the original herbal reading decks available, The Herbal Tarot, was created by Michael Tierra. It can be used as either a traditional Tarot deck or as an oracle deck.

I also use it as a self-care guide, as the cards you pull, recommend herbs to step into the message of the card entirely. 

It comes with 78-cards, and it was one of my first herbal decks.

The only thing is not all copies come with a box, so if yours doesn't, I suggest wrapping your cards in fabric to protect them from absorbing energy when not in use. 

#2 Druid Plant Oracle

The Druid Plant Oracle comes with 36-reading cards and a guidebook, which provides six different ways of doing readings with the cards. However, you can technically use any method with this deck.

I currently have the Animal version of this deck, the Druid Animal Oracle Deck, and have loved reading with it.

Read more about The Druid Plant Oracle on the author's website.

#3 Flower Therapy Oracle Cards

This 44-Card Deck was a joint project between Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves reads with very clear, on point, soothing messages every time.

This deck is great for anyone who needs a deck that consistently reads with gentle compassionate energy, such as energy or plant energy professionals who work with clients that need a soft place to land.

This deck is now only available for used copies and you can find it here:

#4 Pythia Botanica Oracle Deck

This 48-card deck is a limited edition artist-run by Nicole Rallis of Leila + Olive.

Complete with a guidebook rooted in Pythia's mythology, an ancient priestess, also known as the Oracle of Delphi, features golden gilded edges and stained tea cards. 

I currently have art from Nicole Rallis up in my office and it is such an inspiration!

Find this deck at Leia + Olive, the artist's website

#5 The Herbal Healing Deck

The Herbal Healing Deck is an oracle deck with 48-cards divided into four suits: Roots, Herbs, Flowers, and Trees.

The first deck release for both artists comes with excellent imagery, a guidebook, and a case.

Co-developed by herbalist Sarah Baldwin and shamanic artist Ashley Verkamp, The Herbal Healing Deck; it's great for both novice and seasoned readers. 

Okay, so these are just a few of my favorites. 

Have a few of these already?

Plant Based Oracle and Tarot Decks. Photo of dried peach and rust colored flowers in vase on white table top by Visuel Colonie on Unsplash with text overlay The 5 Best Oracle Card Decks For Herbalists

Plant Based Oracle and Tarot Decks. Photo of dried peach and rust colored flowers in vase on white table top by Visuel Colonie on Unsplash with text overlay The 5 Best Oracle Card Decks For Herbalists

It’s always nice to pick up a new deck when you feel called, because it allows you to step into new energy. I tend to recommend that everyone have at least a few different decks of different types in their collection.

This helps mix and match messages for a better effect and a more precise reading - also having more than one tool is great for cross checking any messages you want to be super clear about.

Each deck also tends to be better at looking into certain things and providing certain types of insight and outlooks.

Oracle decks are like scientific instruments. You get different things with all decks that it can be like learning a new language - but that's all part of the fun.

To get any of the decks mentioned in this post:


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