The Spiritual Meaning of the July Buck Moon

Image of buck standing in calm water by Jim Cooper from Pixabay

Updated 2024.10.03

On Sunday, July 21st at 6:17 am Eastern Time, we’ll enjoy the Full Buck Moon. This moon recognizes the new antlers on bucks that are emerging for the coming mating season.

The Buck Moon is a powerful time for increased determination and self-awareness. It is the second Full Moon in Capricorn in a row, and you may be thinking about your achievements, legacy and the traditions you want to uphold.

With two back-to-back Full Moons in Capricorn, you may experience heightened attention to areas of your life governed by Capricorn energies - concepts of leadership and public image may be brought to the forefront.

Capricorn, along with Saturn, rules the 10th house of career and social status, which guides your acclaimed contributions to the world. Capricorn energy clues you into your career path and can indicate where you’ll see fame, awards, authority and the opportunity to make a legacy for yourself.

The determination and public image energies of this Full Moon, may have you taking on a new level of emotional maturity and confidence when expressing yourself in the world.

In addition to the insights above, here are 3 spiritual meanings of the July Buck Moon:

Image of buck standing on water’s edge in forest by Jim Cooper from Pixabay with text overlay The Spiritual Meaning of the July Buck Moon

1 - Energy to Fuel Your Ambitions

Bucks are male deer filled with strength, vigor and vitality, exploring the world and striking out on their own in search of a mate, new territory and more.

You can use the energy of this moon to drive yourself toward your own goals, dreams and sources of abundance. Now is not the time to procrastinate; this Full Moon is rich with determination and action energy.

2 - Abundance and Prosperity

The Buck Moon is right in the middle of summer, which is a busy time for harvesting and reaping the rewards of the seeds you planted earlier in the year.

For all these reasons, the Buck Moon can be a time to tap into the abundance and prosperity around you. Meditate on the sources of abundance you have in your life to create new streams of prosperity during this Full Moon.

3 - Authority and Leadership

Because this moon is the second Capricorn full moon in a row, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on the areas of your life where you exhibit authority, leadership and social excellence.

Take some time to think about your strengths and consider how you can amplify them to create a legacy you’d be proud of.

Image of buck in blue and yellow art design by Anita Lorenzen from Pixabay

All in all, the July Buck Moon represents an increase of energy to drive you closer to your goals, a time to tap into sources of prosperity around you and an opportunity to align with your strengths to build upon your reputation and legacy.

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