Spell-Casting/Curse Removal Services: What You Need To Know

Photo of person holding clear crystal with red nail polish and red long sleeve shirt by Deena from Pexels

Photo of person holding clear crystal with red nail polish and red long sleeve shirt by Deena from Pexels

Updated 2020.08.05

Curse removal is a beneficial service offered by many traditional psychic and medium practitioners to help their clients become released from negative influences sent to them from elsewhere. 

A curse, otherwise known as a hex, is defined as:

Any intended action where the desired result is to provide an ill effect in another - and yes, curses are real.

A curse is very similar to someone intentionally sending you negative wishes or thoughts. You can send energy to anyone in the form of emotions, thoughts or intentions for any reason. 

Prayer is one way to send someone positive energy. A curse, conversely, is one way to send someone negative energy intentionally. Both practices intended a desired outcome.

The difference between a curse and regular unwanted incoming energy is that a curse generally involves a series of thoughts or ideas intended to produce a certain action - rather than someone just being angry with you.

When the person on receiving end then accepts the energy as their own, we want to talk about curse removal.

In any event, curses can be removed, and many curses can be removed. 

The Two Options for Curse Removal

Photo of crystal towers on wooden table by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

Photo of crystal towers on wooden table by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

1 - You can remove a curse yourself

I have an entire blog on the process here: Spell Casting: How To Cast, Break And Take Care Of Magic On Your Own.

If the curse involves another person, a lot of people like a technique called icing-out. 

You place the curse maker's name on a piece of water, put it in a bag of water, and seal it in the freezer. Keep it there for at least three months or until you notice the energy begins to wane. 

You can do the same technique through psychic cord-cutting, and resisting in interacting or engaging or the person you believe the curse came from.

2 - You can hire someone to remove a curse for you

If you seek someone out to remove a curse for you, an energy healer and a psychic can identify, lift and shift energy attached to the auric field. 

Suppose the practitioner you find invokes fear into you about the curse removal process. In that case, this doesn't necessarily mean they are a negative person. It could also mean they are channeling the energy of what you are affected by to better look into it and lift it.

A healthy reverence for the realness of curses is essential to doing the work.

You can expect to pay a practitioner's regular hourly fees for curse removal. Once the service has been performed, it can take anywhere from an afternoon to three months to move out of a curse's energy.

Suppose you are familiar with the necessary steps to remain energetically protected. In that case, curse removal is usually no more difficult than any other type of spiritual work. 

It's just one of the things psychics and energy healers do - lift energy and help you block it with psychic techniques.

An ethical curse removal practitioner can help identify the source or source body of a curse, helping you stay out of and identify similar energy again.

With this said, real curses are rare and are generally placed on you by people that you know. Some call them 'a negative energy influence' instead of a curse. When dealing with practitioners from different cultures, be aware there may be mild jargon discrepancies amongst fields, all used to describe the same concept. 

If you are looking for the service, and can’t find it, know other words often used to describe curse sending are:

  • Psychic Attack

  • Negative Energy

  • Low Vibrational Energy

Not everyone calls a spell a spell, so just know the service may go by these other names.

If you are not in a culture where cursing is practiced, or you do not know anyone who knows how to curse, it's unlikely that you're dealing with a curse at all. 

It could be another form of emotional projection, which can often be looked into in a relationship reading. 

Usually, if you believe you are cursed, it is energy coming from the outside, generally from one or two sources. By hiring out or doing some of the above, you should be able to lift any energy projection coming your way and live your best life.

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