Vulnerability & Psychic Gifts

Photo of woman in Dancer Yoga Pose during Golden Hour by Eternal Happiness from Pexels.

Updated 2025.01.15

Why do we feel sensitive as we develop psychic gifts? Vulnerable as you develop intuition? Feeling sensitive as you develop psychically? In this post, we discuss why and what to do to return to peace -

As you intuitively develop your gifts, you may become more sensitive to negative energy, which can increase your feelings of dis-ease.

On top of this, many intuitives take in the negative energy they sense to interpret it, which can overwhelm your energy field with emotions and thoughts that are not in alignment with who you really are, or your path.

When a psychic or intuitive becomes overtaxed, it's easy to pay attention to absorbing too much of what you don't want and it can be difficult to get back to a state of balance, but below I’ll explain some things that will help.

As you develop your soul on the path of intuitive expansion, remember what matters is what you believe in your heart, what you know to be true and that you're aiming to live in alignment with your truth.

Everyone figuring out along the way is part of the story, and exploring the emotions of this story is part of the process as you open up intuitively.

Gentle adherence to what you feel, know and see to be true is essential to developing your spiritual and intuitive abilities, because both self-trust and self-confidence build the foundation of your spiritual gifts. 

The full development of your spiritual abilities means you can perceive non-physical insight clearly, no one can cast an untruth over you and have it stay for very long, plus you become less impressionable to the will, the desires and the wishes of others.

Meaning, you stay true to yourself.

When you develop your intuitive gifts, you are finally stepping into a guidance beacon, which will direct you and keep you on the path of love and awakening for the rest of your life.

One person stepping into their light could be scary for others in your life because things will likely have to change, especially in the way that people in your life have interacted with you.

When you open your soul, you may have to change your boundaries. So it's reasonable to move through waves of nervousness and fear with this.

But don’t fret, these feelings are temporary - opening intuitively is an incredibly beautiful time in life.

It's a time when you start to go out on a limb to say things you would not have said as old you. It's a time when you start to tell other people what you think and feel, with no guarantee of how they might respond.

It's a time when you begin to trust what you sense, feel, and receive when you may have previously avoided this very thing. It's a time of risk and time of stepping into something new.

You’re stepping into your authentic self, which often means releasing your fears.

It is during this time when you're releasing your fears, you may attract people to you with lots of fear around and within them, as well. 

Some of these people will be attracted to you so you can mutually grow and release your fears together, even if they have freaked out, and if they come around, these are your soulmates and your kindred spirits.

It is also during this time when your sensitivities to other people often gets stronger. This is mostly to keep you safe and on track. And you do want to listen to what your gut and emotions tell you during this time. 

As you develop your intuitive abilities, your intuitive gifts of clairsentience and empathy also begin to open up more and more.

As you develop, it also becomes easier for you to perceive the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of people around you and absorb the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of people around you.

During times of opening, you're also releasing. So you'll be more sensitive to the waves of these emotions coming from others and those that come from the realization of your truths, shown to you by Spirit.

3 Reasons You’re More Sensitive As You Open Up Intuitively

Photo of woman in Dancer Yoga Pose during Golden Hour by Eternal Happiness from Pexels with text overlay Vulnerability & Psychic Development - 3 Reasons Why You’re More Sensitive As You Open Up Intuitively.


Your empathy improves as you spiritually grow. You can now sense more of what is truly happening around you on a non-physical level. Empathy is the ability to feel as others feel, and you absorb those feelings to do that. These absorbed feelings, if not routinely cleared, can result in increased emotional sensitivity.


Many of your fears and the fears of others are arising as an opportunity for healing and releasing. Intentionally going on an intuitive development is fast tracking your spiritual growth, which can lead to awakening to new beliefs.

This often requires letting go of the old, which can create all the feelings as they release. This is why it's essential to let intuitive development take its time, so there's plenty of room for processing and integrating your new, evolved mindset.


Your clairsentience is getting stronger. Clairsentience, housed in the Heart Chakra, can suddenly open, especially after energy work. What this means is you can feel psychic information of all kinds, not limited to, the emotions of others as mentioned above.

What can you do to navigate a vulnerable time of development best? 

Photo of foxgloves by Gilberto Olimpio from Pexels.
  • Take a break from stressful situations that have nothing to do with you.

    You do not have to jump on every cause to be a good person and direct your God-given gifts to where they are meant to go.

  • Let others suffer if they want to; remind yourself some suffering is chosen through repeated decisions.

    When people reach a point in their suffering where they have had enough, then and only then, change is possible. By attempting to empathize with and absorb every pain, you take some of that suffering away and prevent this process from unfolding as it should. Not every burden is yours to carry.

  • Conserve your energy and be vigilant of who you spend your time with as you develop your gifts.

    Avoid spending time with those who are harsh, critical or accustomed to trauma dumping. You will need to reserve your specialized intuitive sensitives for only the most important things to you - which could be your work and your household’s needs.

  • Increase your self-care a notch.

    The more supported your nervous system feels, and your body feels nourished, the less threatened you'll feel and the more confident and resilient you'll be. Your feelings of safety will increase when you create a space where it is safe to be you. You can do this through increased self care. Which doesn’t have to cost a lot of money - it can simply involve avoiding stressful news cycles, stressful people and stressful places - opting for more nurturing ways to spend your time instead.

To recap

Soft white feathers from Canva

Sensitivities can increase when you develop psychically because as you spiritual awakenings can be common, which means so can the need to adapt to new truths, which has an emotional component.

You may also feel more vulnerable as you intuitively develop because your clairsentient abilities are becoming more active. 

As you evolve and make your life more supportive to the new you, and as you change your life to adapt to what you now have seen to be accurate, these emotional triggers will become less and less. 

In the meantime, while that happens, ask, what were the last 3 places I went and people I spent time with where I felt nurtured? Spend your off-time in these areas.

Finally, during your recharge time, recharge!

Hang out wherever nurtures you, and it will promote resilience for the next time your psychic opening experience creates a moment of vulnerability.

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