Is There A Best Place To Connect With Spirit?

Photo of woman with brown hair sitting in desert canyon by Leah Kelley from Pexels

Photo of woman with brown hair sitting in desert canyon by Leah Kelley from Pexels

Updated 2022.02.02

Is there a best place to sense spiritual energy? A good place on Earth where it’s easier to find and sense spiritual beings?

In this post, we’re going to go over how you can locate some of the best places on Earth for finding spirits - 

Spirits are everywhere.

They exist in every country, location, region, office building, forest, the downtown business district, and intersection. 

Wherever a person can go, a Spirit can go, and often The Spirit World hovers right over the Earth, though there are certain places on Earth that act as openings for Spirit energy to flow in.

Physical bodies do not bound those in Spirit, so they have little restriction of where they can go and when they can go there. 

They can just glide through walls.

Despite this, there are places where the energy seems to be crisp, and they are easier to sense. 

So below, we’re going to go over the three most prominent areas where it’s easier to sense Spirit Energy and you can find them everywhere on Earth.

You can also call Spirit into you at home, and we’ll discuss that at the end. 

To begin let's start with known places where it may be easier to sense and see spiritual beings:

The 3 best places to connect with Spirit

Photo of red rock canyon by Lukas Kloeppel from Pexels

Photo of red rock canyon by Lukas Kloeppel from Pexels

#1 Portals

A portal is a location where energy can come into or leave the area through a direct channel. 

These places are generally known as vortices, and they can occur near physical locations, in human-built places or around objects.

There are all sizes of portals and vortices, and the more energy moving through, the more energy Spiritual beings can use to manifest. 

So some portals with more abundant energy sources can feel more robust than others.

Portals usually feel refreshing and good. 

Going to one can help increase your ability to pick up on Angels, Spirit Guides. It can also amplify the energy of your Higher Self, making it easier to connect with spiritual energies. 

All in all, portals can create a giant channel making it easier for all to pass energy back and forth. 

If you have a prayer or a wish, taking it with you to a portal and doing a ceremony or blessing can help amplify it.

Do you have a portal near you? Learn more about portals here.

#2 Favorite Locations

Deceased People, Angels, and Spirit Guides will often have a favorite physical location that they enjoy and frequent. 

It could be a spot in nature, a favorite football stadium, or an amusement park. It can be a garden center or even a sacred spot where their energy is amplified through humans calling it in and energizing it.

If you wish to connect with an individual Spirit, think of where their energy is most active. Then go to their favorite spot, and you will be more likely to meet or sense them there.

#3 Thin Veils

The Spirit World is much more accessible and visible to the human world at places where two worlds meet. These places are called thin veil spots.

They could be a meeting of water and land, urban and wild spaces, day and night or dream and waking state. 

Thin veil places are areas where energy shifts easily and frequently.

A veil is a thin, semi-permeable membrane that separates The Physical World from The Spiritual World, and there are places where it can seem thinner. 

If you wish to go somewhere to connect with Spirit, my favorite place, the veil is thin at the edge of a forest or a waterfall, ideally during the golden hour.

Think you might have a thin veil spot near you? Learn more about veils here.

How To Call Spirit To You At Home

Photo of woman standing overlooking water amongst trees by Tobias Bjørkli from Pexels

Photo of woman standing overlooking water amongst trees by Tobias Bjørkli from Pexels

The best place to call-in and locate Spirits may also be someplace you create yourself.

To start calling the Spirit World into your space, create a Sacred Space, a place of good energy that you build upon in your home.

Starting in one room or area of a room, and then eventually carrying the energy from the sacred space throughout the rest of the home.

In this space, place photographs of things that you love and remind you of joy, things Spirit embodies, and remind you of your highest moments. 

Any object that promotes positive thinking is great for a Sacred Space because it raises the frequency of the area. 

I usually recommend a desk or a dresser for starting your sacred space, but it can be a local outdoor spot that you frequent too.

In that area, meditate for a few minutes each day, burn or diffuse sweet scents, or place light-reflecting elements that amplify the energy such as quartz crystals.

Raise the vibration of your space, starting in one room. This builds spiritual energy in one concentrated area, creating a mini vortex. 

You can then carry the energy from this space throughout the rest of the property over time, creating a spiritual location right where you live. 

The four best places on to sense and see Spirit. Read on in, Location Matters - Is There A Best Place To Connect with Spirit. Photo of woman with brown hair sitting in desert canyon by Leah Kelley from Pexels with text overlay of title.

The four best places on to sense and see Spirit. Read on in, Location Matters - Is There A Best Place To Connect with Spirit. Photo of woman with brown hair sitting in desert canyon by Leah Kelley from Pexels with text overlay of title.

So to recap, the best places on Earth for finding Spirits are

  • Places where there are portals

  • Favored locations for specific Spirit Guides

  • Places where the veil is thin

  • Someplace you create

Are all great spots where it is easier to sense Spirit, you can also call this energy into your home.

So Spirit can be easier to connect with at portals, such as geologic sites, at their favorite locations, such as religious sites. 

Spirits can also be easier to sense in places where the veil is thin, such as places where land and water meet or somewhere you call in. 

In any of the most common locations above, you may have greater success in sensing, picking up on, and communicating with someone in Spirit. 

Notice where these areas are, as sacred spots you can revisit anytime, in person, or your mind's eye.

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