Is It Possible To Predict Death?

Photo of stars and galaxy on the horizon in pink-purple glow by Free Nature Stock from Pexels

Photo of stars and galaxy on the horizon in pink-purple glow by Free Nature Stock from Pexels

Updated 2021.10.12

Recently, I’ve received a few emails from blog readers who have told me they have the ability to sense that someone that they know or, are near-to in physical proximity is going to die.

This ability is not as rare as you might think.

Cats can do it. And The Mossbridge Institute has research to support predicting the future is possible.

Adults, children and some animals have all been remarkably noted to do this, usually it happens in dreams.

If you can sense when someone is going to die, it means you can pick up on energy, auras and the electromagnetic fields of those around you.

It means you have the intuitive ability of clear-sensing, known in the psychic field as clairsentience.

It could be part of sensing by the heart field, or auric field.

Everything that exists has an electromagnetic field.

Recent research shows that the human electromagnetic field can be sensed by others and is centered and projected into the surrounding space by the beating of one’s heart.

When someone is dying, their heartbeat, and thus, their electromagnetic field, it is plausible it may be sensed as weaker.

If you are clairsentient, or empathic, you may be able pick up on this and for some people, feel pain because of it.

If you predicted the sudden event of someone - someone whose heartbeat did not get weaker and weaker over time, but died suddenly. What is this about?

This is likely the case of you receiving a message from Spirit or being linked to someone on a soul level, such as in a karmic bond.

Some people send distant messages from their heart when they are in need, so if you sense this, it is often a sign a person is going through an actual death, or a change in their life and their heart may be sending you signals for support. This one often is true with soulmates.

Your Spirit Guides, Angels or Loved Ones can give you a message that someone was going to cross, the purpose is so that you can be better prepared to love those around you with the emotional and physical transition of someone close to them leaving this Earth. 

The knowledge may allow you to be a better helper, or supporter in their transition. Many times transitions can be emotional, so if you are braced with foreknowledge, however little or big of an event, it is thought to help the body brace with resilience before the event. 

Prophecies can be a gift the mind-body gives us, allowing us to brace for impact of the change, better surviving it. 

Some people have the gift of sensing a person’s transition especially those who have the life purpose of helping souls cross over.

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