Can You Lose Your Psychic Abilities?
Updated 2022.01.06
Have you been actively connecting with Spirit? Developing your intuition, and having experiences? Practicing seeing, hearing, and receiving messages for yourself and others?
And then suddenly, nothing, it all stops?
If this has happened to you, you aren't alone.
Psychic abilities, just like all things in life, are part of a cycle.
We go through periods where we step back, regain perspective, and give energy to another area of our life that we may have neglected.
The intuitive gifts are tools you can use to gain meaning, perspective, and understanding of life.
Yet how can we ever fully do that, without a period where you can reflect?
So feeling a period of separation from your gifts is a healthy and necessary part of development.
It's generally seen as a time to reflect and process your experiences.
A reflective period is as important for growth as the active period for the soul's journey.
In ecology and nature, this is called dormancy - a time where the organism stores and gathers resources for the active growing period.
A period of seasonal dormancy is vital for the manifestation of new healthy seeds each Spring, even in the most vigorous growing of all plant species.
Our gifts often will feel like they have receded when we are in a period of using them and applying what we've learned here on Earth. Still, we can call them down anytime, and below I will go over three ways to do that.
Consider this downtime to be a place where you gather resources, perspective, and energy before delving back in for another long swim, like a receding wave or a long nap.
Welcome it. During this time, read, relax, learn, and contemplate. Tinker away at spreadsheets that need attention.
Write down what you have learned, experienced, and what you are ready to release from your previous experiences in the spiritual and intuitive realms.
It's during this period of rest for the upper chakras that we gather resources, wisdom, and nourishment for the next leg of your journey and stretch those lower chakras a bit.
In addition to the natural reflective period, your downtime period can occur for another reason.
Psychic abilities often disappear when you are experiencing a physical world difficulty.
To grow in our Spirit, we sometimes must find those answers for and within ourselves.
To fully embrace your lessons, meaning living your message, in the physical, you need to step into the material entirely and out of the Spiritual, to focus on fully experiencing life on Earth.
Your intuitive gifts or your Spiritual Support Team can feel as they subside during difficult life experiences.
This is so you can focus on life, living, and expanding here on Earth.
In other words, it is now where you apply the intuitive tools learned in prior periods of intuitive growth and expansion.
When you are more present in your own life, you will often grow and expand more in the material plane.
So when it feels like external guidance subsides, it could symbolize a period of rest for the upper chakras or a period of integration of the energy gained spiritually here on Earth.
Sometimes, intuitive guidance can become harder to access if you've been experiencing or absorbing negative or fearful energy.
If you're not in a dormant phase or an integration period, try opening back up your chakras to regain access and a sense of connection to your inner wisdom.
Below are three ways to get your intuition back when it's gone dormant due to outside factors.
3 Tips To Restore Your Intuitive Gifts
#1 Call in violet energy
Archangel Zadkiel, Saint Germain and the Violet Flame. You can use violet energy to burn up any blocks in your field, restore your power, and bring you back to a place of peace.
To start, visualize a violet-gold flame in your belly rising as you breathe, and the Angel Zadkiel with you. Ask that he protect you, provide boundaries to your energy field, and show you where your energy is needed.
I discuss how to call in violet energy in this post about purple auras.
Violet energy is the color of the third eye and crown.
If you imagine it filling your body, most people feel a sense of their inner wisdom returning soon after that.
Some also like to pair intuitive, purple colored essential oils or crystals with this practice, such as Lavender or Charoite.
#2 Neutralize negative energy
An inflow of negativity can create blocks in the chakras, making it harder and feel foggier when reading and tuning into the inner guidance system.
Thankfully you can clear this. By not responding or replying in-kind to negativity sent your way, you end the pattern.
Some people also like to use crystals like Black Tourmaline to do this for them.
Also, check out these posts on how to transmute negative energy:
Respond to incoming fear, shame, or blame, with a neutral, love, or above energy. This can include acceptance or even apologizing.
Meet it at the center line and choose to respond at that level or better, helping to cycle it out of your energy field, and it prevents you from absorbing it.
#3 Call back your inner child
Whenever we go through one of life's moments, it's possible to feel like we've somehow strayed from our paths when all we were doing was simply the waves of life.
Imagine a down period in life like a raft on a river that's reached the low-water part.
The current may naturally start to redirect you, or you may have to get out and pull for a minute, but it was no one's fault - it's just how the river is.
Taking on the burden of life's ways can create thoughts of blame and shame turned inwardly. This closes our chakra systems and shuts down our inner child, which is always doing it's best.
Therefore, access to our wise, Higher Self, which often has the innocence and joy of a child, is closed.
Your higher innocence and your connection to your star chakra are aware you are always doing your best.
To reconnect here, and thus reopen intuition, take a moment today to do something for pure fun and child-like.
You may even wish to do a visualization to call your inner child back to you, called a Soul Retrieval.
Either way, nurturing and honoring the inner child, even saying kind things to it, often reopens the chakras and, in turn, restores an intuitive connection.
As soon as your Spirit feels the energy of worth bestowed on it, the restored safety of your energy field, and it's glow, the intuitive gifts radiate no matter what.
So to recap, 3 ways to open back up, when it feels like gifts are lost, are
Call on The Violet Flame or any light that soothes you
Neutralize negative energy for the time being
Restore your inner child
Take an afternoon for this, giving yourself a good three to four-hour chunk of time, where you do the above three. When the above is allowed to unfold, you’re usually connected back to your Higher Self and your Higher Wisdom that same day.
So while it is possible, at times, to feel disconnected, you can always re-anchor your link at the first moment you notice it, simply begin with one of the tips above.
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