How To Connect With Your Loved Ones During The Holiday

How To Connect With Departed Loved Ones During Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or Las Posadas. Photo by Jill Wellington from Pixabay - porcelain angel with glowy lights and greenery around -

How To Connect With Departed Loved Ones During Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or Las Posadas. Photo by Jill Wellington from Pixabay - porcelain angel with glowy lights and greenery around -

Updated 2022.11.16

Think of someone special to you now, someone who has crossed. Someone you love and miss more than anyone in the world.

Who do you wish would help you make all the food, or prepare things, so they were just right? Who do you wish would hold you in their arms and go to sleep with you?

Ask this person to be with you this season in Spirit because, on your special holiday, your loved one will be there. 

Here's how to make sure they feel included, and all will be able to connect with their magic at your upcoming gatherings - 

5 Ways To Connect With Loved Ones This Holiday Season

Vertical photo of Christmas Tree shape in bokeh lights by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels

Vertical photo of Christmas Tree shape in bokeh lights by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels

1 - Talk about them openly at gatherings

You have so many memories with this person.

You shared your life with them, experiences with them, happy experiences, awful experiences, experiences that were so terrible they were almost funny. 

Your loved ones often ask you to do one thing at the holidays. 

If you want to talk about them, talk about them. Your experience is real, and the person you love is real, so it's ridiculous to pretend like they never existed. Even still, they want to be remembered happily. They want to be talked about. They want you to retell all of the funny stories. 

Bringing up happy memories of the dearly departed encourages bonding and fond memories of the past, for all. 

2 - Have a toast in their honor 

Initiate a toast to this person. Invite everyone in the room to tell their stories of remembrance of this person.

The person you will be remembering will be there in Spirit and beaming with joy. Who doesn't feel awesome when they are, ever briefly, the center of attention?

3 - Make something they loved to eat or participate in something they enjoyed

Did your loved one have a special tradition that they loved – a special food, ritual, or drink?

Make the dish, and let everyone know it was your loved one's favorite.

Or, embody a little bit of the ritual they loved. 

Less fond of watching football, but your husband loved it? Turn on the game, just for an hour. Hear it in the background, go into the room and sit down, next to where he would have sat, someone else in the room may reveal an interest or hobby, creating a connection. 

Did your wife love to go out shopping, to a certain store, or made a particular mulled cider? Why not prepare it or simply browse through the shop she enjoyed? Did you always go tree hunting together with this person?

Why not still do this and sense them present while there? 

Their tradition, when they were living, was your tradition, too. No need to forget all about it now. You can carry on, just more magically than before. 

For the first year, you may feel called to change traditions or blend new traditions with old. Just know that it is okay to shift up your traditions for a bit.

4 - Talk to them

If you've lost someone very close to you, you may miss talking to them and having their input on things more than you expected. I know this is true for me. 

Now that they are gone to Spirit World, you may have been talking internally to your loved one in your mind.

Asking questions, telling them you miss them, imagining what they would say about something, laughing about how they might have bantered back with you. Sometimes you feel like you can just hear what they would have said. 

Consider for a moment that this imaginary conversation you are having isn't something you imagined. It could be a real dialogue. 

It's often revealed in readings that your loved one was present at that private conversation at a sink. 

Clairaudience or the ability to hear and converse with those in Spirit happens in just this way. Remember to give them a chance to respond. What you imagine as their response could really be. No, you may not have made that up.

This is the season to believe in the unbelievable. May as well start now.

5 - Make an altar 

It helps to have a specific way to remember someone. 

A place where you can go, something that you can look at, an object you can hold where you can always remember this person. Often, your loved ones will suggest finding a necklace to wear, or a photograph to keep, or a place to go for you to remember them.

Find something like this for you. 

I like to use a battery-operated LED candle on mine with a timer for an eternal flame. It lights every day at the same time during the holidays, reminding me for a brief moment to connect. 

If you do use an electric or battery candle for your altar, I now use lithium batteries in mine, they last longer than alkaline. 

Whether you already have something that you use to remember this person, or you are about to go on a shopping trip later today – finding something tangible to have and hold that you can use to remember them is so helpful. 

Every time you look at this object or go in the space where the object sits (whether it's on your chest or on your nightstand), you can think of and remember your loved one.

These are just a few ways you can remember your loved ones and include them in your traditions, now that they're in Spirit.

5 Ways To Connect With Departed Loved Ones During Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or Las Posadas Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay - porcelain angel with glowy lights and greenery around with text overlay.

5 Ways To Connect With Departed Loved Ones During Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or Las Posadas Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay - porcelain angel with glowy lights and greenery around with text overlay.

You aren't alone on the holidays. Those in Spirit that you love will be surrounding you.

So take a minute to meditate on the above ideas and see which one speaks to you most. Then try incorporating it into this year's festivities. I've found doing so enhances the sparkle of the season, just a touch, and lifts the spirits to get the mood right. 

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