The Top 5 Films On Psychic Mediums

Image of old film strip in bokeh light by gagnonm1993 from Pixabay

Updated 2021.12.30. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Amanda Linette Meder and her partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Are you getting cozy with the television? Need some inspiration? Are you looking to explore your gifts or the paranormal itself a bit more? 

Growing up, I was hungry to know about my abilities, which I'd been aware of since I was around six years old.  

Pre-internet and unable to talk about my gifts at school, I learned about my gifts through the books in my library, the films I was allowed to watch, and what my family told me. 

My parents were science-fiction fans. They also believed there was always some truth to historical lore. With this culture at home, thankfully, I was able to watch just about any paranormal movie I desired, and check out any book I wanted.

Previously every month in The Membership, we highlighted a multimedia piece that does a good job portraying spiritual communities and theories. 

I'm fascinated by the cinematic evolution of how mediums and Spirits have been portrayed on camera since the invention of film, by Thomas Edison in 1892. 

Part of the reason film, like radio, was invented, was to capture the invisible to the human eye and to communicate information about it. And one of the first films ever produced was a short, paranormal movie, The Haunted Castle, in 1896

So the cinema has had a long, sorted history with mediumship, psychic phenomena and the story thereof. 

Through all this, the monthly features and my younger years, I've reviewed a lot of movies, books, and papers on the paranormal. 

That said, there are quite a few movies out there featuring mediums and the practice of which. Not all are fair to the community. 

Looking for something fair, informative, and pretty nicely produced on psychic mediums? 

Below, I've listed the best, most well-rounded documentaries on psychic mediumship I've found since I started reviewing films both for work and for personal interest.

The Top 5 Films On Psychic Mediums

The Top 5 Films on Psychic Mediums. Image of film strip in bokeh light by gagnonm1993 from Pixabay with textoverlay of title.

The Top 5 Films on Psychic Mediums. Image of film strip in bokeh light by gagnonm1993 from Pixabay with textoverlay of title.

1. Hereafter

A film that does a good job of showcasing some of the complex feelings of a psychic medium is the Hereafter.

Matt Damon plays George, an American medium character in the movie. 

I think the script writing for this character’s struggles is accurate. I know people who have felt the way his character is played. It also shows a fair depiction of the pressure some psychics feel to continue using their gifts in the ways others want.

2. The Science and the Séance

A four-part BBC documentary on the history of mediumship and progressive scientific study throughout history, educational. 

This film is currently available on YouTube - Science and the Seance Playlist. This series is watchable, informative, and accurate.

In classic English style, there is also very little to zero sensationalization in it. 

Because of this, I feel it would be safe to show this documentary to a mature teenager or child interested in knowing more about their gifts or the topic itself. 

3. The Afterlife Investigations: The Scole Experiments

This film covers paranormal research conducted by the Scole Group in the UK and their findings.

The fascinating evidence they've collected on physical spirit communication through spirit groups, radios, direct voice, apports, and other techniques for Spirit contacts are shared in this documentary. 

It's great for people who like evidence and alternative ways to capture The Spirit World in action. 

This film is currently available on YouTube: The Scole Experiment - Proof of Life After Death

4. No One Dies in Lilydale

I have the DVD of this. 

Documentary on the world-famous Lilydale Assembly, and the phenomena in a mediumship destination spot known worldwide, includes interviews with mediums in their homes. 

This film is available for Streaming or DVD on Amazon.

It covers the history of spiritualism and mediumship, featuring medium camp, Lilydale, and their residents in upstate New York.

It also goes over a bit of the history of the early 1900s mediumship, which I find captivating. 

Study mediumship history? This is an excellent film for mediumship historians, especially those who focus their research on the American development and popularity of it. 

5. Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America

This documentary explores and demonstrates channeling.

Even as a rarely discussed form of mediumship, channeling is one of the four main types of popular mediumship and one of the seventy-three kinds of mediumship, overall. 

The film follows the journey of Darryl Anka, Wendy Kennedy, and four other spirit channelers, and covers how they work and their thoughts on the process. 

I like this film because spirit channeling has been parodied in the past, and I think having it portrayed by those who do, creates a beautifully balanced picture of the practice.

Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America is available as a DVD on Amazon.
Image of park bench on dark night with light in the distance by Henryk Niestrój from Pixabay

Image of park bench on dark night with light in the distance by Henryk Niestrój from Pixabay

On top of these, I also like the interview, Lorna Byrne: The Lady Who Sees Angels Documentary Master and the 1973 classic, The Legend of Hell House. 

The mediums in The Legend of Hell House are fairly portrayed, and they work nicely with all the scientists, especially character Florence Tanner. 

The Legend of Hell House is a shocking name and there is horror, so I wouldn’t recommend it for kids. But, the film does show a beautiful demonstration of how science and paranormal folks can be friendly with each other when working together. 

I also find Ghostbusters, both the new and the old to be funny, but also fair.

So to recap, here are the top 5 films I recommend:

Photo of fuchsia cinema drapes by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Photo of fuchsia cinema drapes by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The evolution of the paranormal in films is continually changing. I feel it is becoming fairer to psychics and mediums as the world becomes kinder. The films I mentioned here are all great examples of this. 

So, get cozy, get your knowledge on, and enjoy the feeling of being respected, valued, and educated with these films. 

If you have a medium in your life, encourage them to watch with you.

If you are a medium, invite a loved one or friend to join you, or share these, and help promote a positive and balanced media environment for those in our field. 

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