Squirrel Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Meanings of the Squirrel

Photo of Grey Squirrel by Amanda Linette Meder Team

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When a Squirrel appears in your life dreams and meditations, it can be a sign to trust your resourcefulness, tap into your local abundance and be more social.

Squirrels are one of the most common critters in the forest where I live. I love hearing them play and wrestle in the trees. Sometimes I catch them eating nuts and watching me through my windows, as though I am their entertainment, just as they are mine.

Squirrels are busy creatures that serve as an important member of the ecosystem.

They create multiple caches that provide food sources for other creatures and generate new growth in the forest. They are also known to warn other critters of intruders in the woods, acting as sentinels for those they share the space with.

They are also known for having strong kinship bonds, meaning they help their relatives through cache and nest sharing.

Learn what Squirrels spiritually mean when they scamper into your life:

Photo of Grey Squirrel eating seeds by Amanda Linette Meder Team with text overlay Squirrel Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Meanings of Squirrels

1 - Find New Ways of Solving Problems

Diana Cooper’s Archangel Animal Oracle Cards, she writes the Squirrel is an inquisitive and clever problem solver. They demonstrate ingenuity and determination as they find solutions for physical problems.

One of their messages is that there is a solution if you try hard enough. Their presence can encourage you to look at your life’s challenges in a new way. They suggest there’s an answer when you look at the issue from a different angle. Put effort towards finding a resolution. When you explore possibilities and persevere, you inevitably find your reward.

2 - Generating Activity To Create Preparedness

Ted Andrews writes in Animal Speak that Squirrels are enthusiastically bursting with energy, scurrying around, digging holes, gathering food and items for their nest.

When a squirrel scampers into your life, examine your own activity levels and level of preparedness. Squirrels teach how to balance the cycle of gathering and giving out. As masters of preparation, they can help you assure you accumulate enough. 

What can you do today to assure you’re prepared for what’s to come and can provide for the needs of those in your nest in the event things don’t go to plan?

3 - Be Sociable

Squirrels are communicative and can be heard in the trees when disturbed, playing or gathering. They wrestle for play, and chatter and scold those who appear, as though reporting the news of the day for all in the forest.

The Squirrel can also communicate its emotions with flicks of its tail. When a Squirrel appears, it can symbolize a time to be social, communicate with others, share news and leave room for playing with others.

4 - Develop A Friendship With Trust

When you feed Squirrels, they will remember the spots where you put food out for them. If no food is available in these spots, they will wait patiently while finding a way to capture your attention in hopes you will oblige the request.

If you feed the Squirrels long enough, you can get close enough to put a nut down right in front of them. As you develop your relationship with them, they’ll reveal elements of their personality to you through their facial expressions and body language.

Squirrels make kinship bonds and they can be a reminder that trust can develop in your kinships through friendly interactions; closer bonds can arise through shared trusting encounters over time. Don’t give up on building your new relationships.

5 - Have A Back Up Plan

Squirrels are known to store their food caches for the winter in multiple places. They are not a critter to place all its eggs in one basket.

When a Squirrel appears in your life, it can be a reminder that you need to develop a well formulated backup plan and perhaps consider having multiple backup plans, in case your first backup plan also falls through. It’s a good idea to have a backup to your backup for things that are really important to you.

To connect with the Squirrel totem, write down your Plan A, and then write down potential backup plans B-G, even if some are far fetched. These plans could come in handy one day.

6 - Tap Into The Abundance Around You

Squirrels are constantly gathering and storing resources, ensuring they are over prepared for whatever may come. Their presence can indicate it's time to look to your abundance for the supplies you need. They can also indicate that now is a time for gathering for future needs.

If a Squirrel appears, it can mean that you have enough to provide for yourself and others, and that it’s alright to use your current resources, as long as you continue to gather, to assure your future enoughness is covered in times to come.

7 - Embrace The Wisdom of Forgetfulness

When the time comes for the Squirrel to remember all its caches of abundance for winter, it will often forget all the places it put things. These oversights are not serious - they have enough caches that forgetting a few is fine.

The Squirrel is a reminder that it’s alright to forget a few things if you’ve taken enough precautions. 

The treasures you’ve gathered are not lost to everyone - the forgotten caches may be found by Blue Jays, Chipmunks or turned into trees, which later become nests for birds and generate their own seeds for new food sources. The nutrients buried in the soil give birth to new shoots.

The imperfections of forgetfulness can become treasures to others in the community. It’s a message from the Squirrel - the lack of perfection isn’t a flaw, it creates golden opportunities for others.

Photo of Grey Squirrel by Amanda Linette Meder Team

All in all, Squirrels spiritually represent resourcefulness, preparedness, sociability, problem-solving abilities, relationship building and learning new skills.

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