How To Thank Someone

Image of grey and orange pumpkins by GrumpyBeere from Pixabay with text overlay How To Thank Someone

Updated 2024.10.17

Wondering how to thank someone who was generous and didn’t have to be? 

Thanking someone is one of the most rewarding engagements you can ever get involved in. You often feel good when you feel thankful, and when you feel good, your day is usually good. 

On top of that, when you thank someone, what you are often really saying under the surface is that you are grateful that person, group or agency of persons, exists. 

When a person, group or agency of persons knows others are grateful they exist, it usually inspires and fosters positive action on their end. It helps them identify their purpose and know what gifts they have that people appreciate the most. 

Furthermore, when a person knows they are appreciated, this often translates to love feelings in the mind-body-spirit from being thanked. People feeling loved only leads to good things. 

Think for one moment of the feeling of being newly in love. It’s a romance. Everything is amazing. You are living in a cloud, and everything is warm and feels like summer. Nothing is wrong. All is good.

By thanking someone, you can literally help them, and you create the feeling that all is good. 

When this feeling is abundant, pretty much everyone has a great day. So personally, this is why I believe gratitude is one of the core spiritual principles across many doctrines. 

Once you try thanking someone in many ways, you may see saying thank you, and thanking others in various ways, is one of the more fun aspects of life.

So below, I’m going to cover 5 ways to say thank you that work with or without words, when someone is nearby or at a great physical distance - 

5 ways to say thank you

Image of pumpkins and leaves on wood surface by iPicture from Pixabay with text overlay 5 Ways To Thank Someone

1 - Visualize pink light

Do a miniature meditation. Uncross your legs, feet flat on the floor, place your hands palm up on your lap, get into a meditation position for you. 

Breathe in and out three times, then visualize your body is wrapped in a cloud of pink light. 

After a few breaths, when you are entirely encased in this pink cloud, imagine this cloud of light going to the person(s) you want to thank. Visualize they are wrapped and encased in pink light, also.

Pink light is the color of the Heart Chakra, where the feelings of thankfulness are usually located in the body. So sending this energy wave to yourself and others can put you and them in a thankful state, which is often enough for a person to feel appreciated. 

This exercise also puts you in a grateful state, making it easier to do any of the other saying thank you techniques below.

2 - Think 3-5 positive thoughts about them

Empathic people can often feel the energy directed towards them, even from vast distances. People usually always want and need more love, which leads to more of so many things - more resources, more support, and more abundance. 

When you think positively about a person or group of persons, this sends love-gratitude energy to them. 

Each thought translates to, “I appreciate x about you…” which then translates to, “I am grateful you exist for x reasons.” 

Thinking a few positive things about the person(s) you want to thank is often an energetic thank you that some can sense and feel, but impacts them either way. When you think high vibrational things about others, high vibrational energy surrounds and is sent to them on an intuitive level. 

This generally leads to good things starting on the energetic plane, creating seed energy for those good things to manifest physically. Good things happening to people who were generous with you is a thank you.

Ask: What are three kind thoughts about a person or group I want to thank?

3 - Pass on the generosity

Return the giving energy.

This is the pass it on factor. Usually, when you want to thank someone, it’s often because a person was generous with you in a genuine way. You can vow to pay them back someday, and actually do, giving back to them at a later date. 

You can also simply ask, internally, for a place or person you can pass the generosity to. The next time you can, or are inspired, be generous with someone - either in words, energy (time), attention, gifts, or otherwise - do.

Ask: where’s one place I passed it on today so far?

4 - Give resources in return

Supplying a person or persons you want to thank with essential resources can be the best way to thank someone on the physical plane. Essential to you may not be essential to me, so you have options. Remember, joy items are also essential resources.

Store gift cards, money, food, all forms of gifts, are essential resources that can be given as gifts and gifts are a love language. 

Gifts are a way many people feel loved and know others appreciate them. When a person feels loved, this love is often directed to the sender and towards the self. This inspires a harmony resonance or loop between the two for giving energy to continue, which can inspire emotions of gratitude in either. 

Feeling grateful is a form of contentment and helping someone feel that is a way to return the gift.

Thanking a person or group with a physical gift or a gift that can create something physical for them is another way to thank you. It also is one of the best ways to balance a giving exchange because it completes the energetic scales of giving and receiving by finishing the loop.

Ask: in the past week, have I given resources to a person or group that has given to me?

5 - Say thank you

Simply say thank you. If you feel elaborate, be specific about what. It often brings others happiness when they knowingly have pleased others. 

Most everyone knows how good it is to feel pleased, and in general, want others around them to feel it too. 

People, when they are in their highest self, enjoy, innately passing on joy to others. Simply thanking them for it with words spoken or written can be really meaningful. It helps others become aware that helping you is part of living their purpose, which can be gratifying in many ways.

One of my favorite ways to say thank you is actually saying it with a handwritten note on nice stationary. I love sending it and receiving it.

Ask: who is someone I thanked in the past 24 hours?

So to recap, 5 ways to thank someone are:

Image of person holding small pumpkin in hands by freeillustrated from Pixabay


Visualize Pink Light


Think 3-5 positive thoughts about them


Pass on the generosity


Give resources in return


Say thank you

Image of mystical cornucopia by Robin Alwine from Pixabay

Think of your best way to say thank you to someone, and try any new techniques above sometime this week. It usually feels good to get into the thanking mode, so hopefully, you have fun with some of the above tips for saying thank you.

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