Amanda Linette Meder

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7 Spiritual Benefits of Decluttering

Updated 2024.09.12

Spiritually, decluttering removes negative and stagnant energy, held by items that are no longer serving your highest good, from your life. 

This creates space for positivity to come in and opens up physical space in your home so items that do serve your greatest good have room to support your journey moving forward.

Every object in your home carries an energy signature - positive, neutral and negative. 

Decluttering promotes positive energy by amplifying those items that create joy and efficiency, and removing items that hold negative memories or have stayed beyond their useful life. 

When you hold onto items that remind you of happy times and items that have served you well, it creates a sense of satisfaction. 

Conversely, holding onto things that remind you of painful times, looking at them or holding them can activate pain energy in the body, forcing you to revisit chapters long since closed.

Releasing items from your home that are not supporting your life now can improve your spiritual well being and as a result, it is a topic that often appears in spiritual readings.

Below are 7 spiritual effects of decluttering:

1 - Increases your joy

The whole goal of having a spiritual practice is enlightenment, which is freedom from suffering, and ultimately your realized happiness. 

When you declutter your space, you are revisiting memories, some of them pleasant. You’re connecting with objects that have been useful to you and supportive of your life. Revisiting the positive energy in your cherished items brings happiness.

You also let go of items that don’t make you happy and you don’t need. When you do this, it releases objects that are taking up negative or neutral energy space - opening more room for joyful items.

2 - Helps you identify what’s important

You get to identify what you value. When you declutter, you are choosing what stays based on your core values, needs and dreams moving forward, and releasing all the rest. 

Everything that is cleared away has hidden what you truly value from being seen. Once you have decluttered your spaces, you can see very obviously what objects, and priorities they support, matter to you most.

Decluttering can give a firmer idea of who you are today and what your core values are.

3 - Clears your mind

When you declutter, you have to focus in order to sort items. The focused act of making deliberate decisions on what you want to keep can create flashes of clarity.

Decluttering creates clarity and openness in your environment, which can help you make space to connect with the divine.

4 - Creates a peaceful environment

Visual clutter is chaos that can stimulate mental clutter and chaos. With clutter in your space, it can be the cause of internal noise.

When decluttering, you ultimately reduce the amount of physical noise you have in your energy field, which can create an internal atmosphere of peace.

5 - Assists with emotional healing

Close past life chapters by releasing from your space things that may be helping you hold onto negative memories and painful periods in the past or things that make you feel bad. Releasing objects tied to old versions of you can help you physically move forward.

When you declutter you can also confront the difficult emotions that are triggered by some items, once and for all, and releasing those will feel good.

6 - Stimulates overall mental wellness

Decluttering promotes feelings of peace and contentment. It reduces physical noise, focuses the mind, and helps you tap into your abundance, which can all create positive feelings that can assist you getting into a peaceful mind state.

7 - Creates an environment of generosity

Generosity is a very big spiritual concept; being generous helps you achieve shared dreams with others in your community.

When you declutter, inevitably, you will come across items that are perfectly usable, but they just don’t fit your lifestyle anymore. You can donate or sell these items, releasing valuable resources to the economy for those who can benefit.

This creates a good karma loop that goes back to you.

Sometimes, holding onto objects that no longer serve you becomes an obstacle to your growth. By decluttering, you’ll tap into clarity, peace of mind, the abundance around you and a sense of contentment with what you have. 

The clarity of mind paired with your newfound abundance mindset can stimulate the positive internal environment needed for a connection to the Divine.

Before beginning decluttering, get an idea of your high vibration vision of the future. Take 30 minutes to 1 hour envisioning your dream life. Then, begin by going room by room, sorting everything, and identifying what you want to let go of. 

As you clear each room, you’ll likely be able to feel the energy shift - the space may feel lighter, better, more spacious, even if all you do are the closets. 

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