Dragon Oracle Cards Review
Updated 2020.02.19. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Amanda Linette Meder and her partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The Dragon Oracle Card Deck by Diana Cooper with artwork by Carla Lee Morrow is a fun and carefree deck.
Carla Lee Morrow, also known as The Dragon Lady, partnered with Diana Cooper, who specializes in the spirit realms of other worlds, to create a four-dimensional deck that focuses on raising your ascension from the third dimension with the help of the Dragons.
The fourth dimension is the dimension of time.
After the fourth dimension, the fifth and sixth dimensions focus on expanding your ability to experience alternate realities here on earth and expanded love with others.
The seventh dimension includes the awareness of galaxies and their energy, and the ninth helps you experience source, alpha, and omega dimensions.
Experiencing other dimensions increases in your ability to become aware of other realities, universes, and quantum time-space possibilities, which ultimately opens your heart to love and timelessness.
Many people experience alternate realities daily and have for a long time, and if that's you, or you'd like to add more dimensional thinking to your routine, this deck systematically takes you up through working with them.
Dragons are thought to guide us through the dimensions.
To begin, here's a photo of one of my favorite cards in the deck, the Sunshine Yellow Dragon, which kept popping up as I was writing this post:
How the deck is broken out
In this deck, there are 44 cards, with a guidebook and a box. The deck itself is broken out by dimensions.
There are:
10 fourth dimensional cards
19 fifth dimensional cards
11 seventh dimensional cards
4 ninth dimensional cards
The fourth-dimension cards focus on the four elements and their combinations.
These are great for reading relationships, especially if you know both elements of each partner, you can use these cards to see what the combined relationship energy of a union will create.
The fifth-dimension cards all focus on embodying higher love and helping others.
The seventh-dimensional cards are galaxy-focused and include the Dragons that represent different galaxies such as Andromeda.
And finally, there are just 4 ninth-dimensional cards that focus on embodying source energy.
Pictured here is Source Dragon from the ninth dimensional section:
As you move through this deck, you'll realize this deck is so gentle to work with.
It's about compassion and more positive than you may expect for dragons, which matches my own personal experience with these energies.
The deck talks about Dragons and Christ Light, and this makes sense because, for me, they are very similar in energy to Archangels or Unicorns. These cards feel very high vibrational and light to me.
If you want to feel better while still getting stuff done, ascend, and feel more playful on an emotional level. This deck really lifted me up, it also brings back the inner child.
Get this deck if
You are interested in dimensional theories and dragons
You don't have anything on dragons yet
You find yourself taking life too seriously and want uplifting cards to walk you through it
This deck took me outside of the box of my own thinking. It puts me in a more light-hearted mood anytime I work with it. I love this deck.
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