5 Signs You're Experiencing Psychic Burnout

Image of candle just blown out in blue toned light by Robin Strozyk from Pixabay

Updated 2024.12.09

Have you been feeling exhausted? Getting irritated by emails you’ve received? Don’t want to help another person?

Welcome to burnout.

If you’ve experienced any of these feelings, you aren’t alone.

Burnout is physical or mental collapse caused by overwork, overcaring or overstretching your energy. When you’re a psychic medium, helping others on a spiritual journey, you may experience this.

Many psychic mediums are business owners, entrepreneurs, admin staff, sales, marketing, and accounting.

Psychic mediums aren’t just mediums, they often can be the axis of support for others. In order to provide that support, it’s important to remember to take some time for yourself and care for your own mental needs.

You get burned out because you are not giving yourself enough space away from your work to actually rest.

Below, I want to talk about how to tell if you are burned out and need a break, at the end of the post is what you can do to give yourself that break - 

5 Signs You’ve Burnt Out

Photo of woman laying on couch by cottonbro studio on Pexels with text overlay 5 Signs You’re Experiencing Psychic Burnout plus 5 Tips To Recover

1 - You’re irritated when anyone asks you for help with anything

Because your job is to help, getting irritated when someone asks you for it, is often the opposite of how others want to see you, so you may feel shame for even feeling irritated. Let it go, but take a break.

You aren’t a “bad psychic” for not caring or not being compassionate, you just need some off, fun time.

2 - You’ve started to experience built up energy in your hands, arms, or neck

Feeling tense is the start of the slippery slope to burnout. Physical symptoms can be spiritual needs that are tapping you for attention. Tension is an early sign our bodies send to cue us that it’s time to slow down.

3 - You don’t know where to go next and you don’t have any ideas for it either

Feeling lost is a good sign of burnout. If your creative juices are normally flowing and you’re all out of juice - it’s because you need a break - and you’ll need to take one likely before more inspiration comes along.

4 - You don’t have the energy to respond to social posts, texts, calls

It can wait. You can probably afford a few minutes of silence to regain the power of your own space. When you are silent, it also helps others appreciate your energy more, because in your absence they’ll have time to think about the value you bring to their life.

5 - You’ve verbally snapped about an insignificant topic

To me, it’s insignificant if it’s not on fire or someone is not going to die in the next moment, it can stay unresolved for a time. You may have other definitions of what is insignificant.

Releasing steam in small ways is a sign you’re under too much pressure and you need to give yourself some time away.

5 Tips To Recover From Burnout

Photo of woman with face in hands by Liza Summer on Pexels

1 - Avoid Being The Consoler Role In Your Personal Life

If you are required to be a spiritual support person at work, take a step back from doing it in your personal life. Typically, if people in your personal life always rely on you for emotional support, they’re not valuing what you give or giving you a break in your off time that you may desperately need.

Resist the urge to immediately help in relationships where it has become a pattern. Next time someone in your personal life dumps their problems on you, get into the habit of asking yourself, “Is this my problem or is this their problem?”

If it is their problem, don’t solve it - this is more important if your offering solutions were not valued in the past. Only offer sympathy if you have the energy after you’ve invested in self-care.

2 - Develop A FAQ Pages

Creating one will save you so much time. Over time, you'll see that many of the emails, questions and inquiries that you’ll receive as an intuitive business owner are similar.

Start making a list of the most common things people ask you and put it into a FAQ page, or into blog posts answering the topic. This can help you get those questions answered without the need for your immediate attention. Here’s my FAQs page for reference. 

3 - Set Work Boundaries

Remember, work is work and it must fit in a container. You want to give yourself space from being on-call so you can rebound, refill that well, tap into your own inner wisdom. Create boundaries with when you work, what you share with clients, between what is business and what is personal.

4 - Take A Client Break

Consider following this monthly schedule for your private readings: Three Weeks ON/One Week OFF, or three months off and one week on, whatever you can handle.

Readings can be powerful and giving a lot of them without any breaks can cause intuitive burnout, especially without time to recover. I typically like to take a break around Christmas/New Years.

5 - Develop Alternate Revenue Streams 

If private sessions are your main income source, you aren’t making any unless you are offering them, so taking time off can be hard to fathom.

To solve this, after you rest and do something that brings you joy, consider products you can sell that people can purchase without your immediate energy needed - downloadables (guided meditations), advertising and affiliate marketing are good semi-passive income streams that can help you make money even while you sleep.

Photo of brown haired woman in protective pose by Engin Akyurt on Pexels

Have you experienced any of the above signs?

If so, congratulations, you’re normal. 

These signs are the primary symptoms of burnout, however, you can almost always recover from burnout by just taking a break - yes, scheduling in recovery time. While the Universe’s energy is infinite, yours is not and conserving it, recharging it matters.

Working a few of these ideas above can help prevent care burnout in the future. Even the people who focus their lives on helping others still need to take the time to help themselves.

To end, intuitive burnout is normal, and there are ways to catch it and return to self-care sooner rather than later for better resiliency and satisfaction at work, overall.

For more content like this, check out the Grow Your Intuitive Business eCourse!

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