17 Questions To Ask A Psychic Medium

Image of crystal ball on pink alter by werdul8 from Pixabay

I’ve been a practicing professional psychic medium for 12 years now, and wow, this is something I only dreamed of happening one day.

There were many times early on in my path as a professional psychic medium, intuitive and spiritual counselor, where I thought, “Once I’ve done this 10 years, then I’ll really know what I’m doing!”

Now I’m here.

While the various aspects of owning a digital-based business have changed quite a bit, the core elements of the psychic mediumship practice remain very much the same.

Over the years, I have noticed some broader trends in the kinds of questions people ask in a psychic mediumship reading. 

It’s comforting to know that despite our differences, when people are dreaming dreams in the presence of a spiritual medium - the dreams are not that different. 

When you boil it down, we all have quite the same questions for the Universe, God and the Powers That Be.

You can change the names and places in the story, but the similarities in the questions remain.

Isn’t it heartwarming to know that when people from all different walks of life are wishing beautiful things for their live, that those things are very similar?

When I take off my spiritual medium hat for the day, turn off my zoom, and close my laptop, the fact that we’re all wishing for relatively the same things, brings me a great deal of peace.

I feel a sort of safety in knowing that despite all the drama of life on Earth, we’re all wishing on one metaphorical star, so to speak. Maybe what I feel is the awareness that collective consciousness could genuinely be real.

I realize these are idealistic thoughts, but you have to consider ideals once in a while, since they can come to be.

While I can’t dive into the specifics of everything wished for and asked about in private sittings due to confidentiality, I can share the general types of questions you can ask in a reading that will give you a lot of information.

If you’re meeting with a psychic medium, here are 17 good questions to ask:

Photo of white, pink and black crystal on preserved wood by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels with text overlay 17 Questions to ask a Psychic Medium
  1. Who is watching over me in Spirit?

  2. What Angels/Spirit Guides are looking after me and what are their names?

  3. How can I connect with {name specific loved one} who’s crossed over?

  4. How can I enhance my connection with my intuition and Spirit Team?

  5. Can you tell me how I best receive my intuitive and spiritual messages?

  6. I’m looking for a soulmate. How can I best bring that in?

  7. Do you see any new opportunities in romantic love for me?

  8. Do you see any professional opportunities for me?

  9. Do you see any friendship opportunities for me?

  10. What’s my spiritual gift?

  11. How can I be successful at {insert most important venture}?

  12. How can I resolve {insert troublesome situation}?

  13. I want happiness for/with {name your beloved}. How can I assist in this process?

  14. Does Spirit have any messages for me?

  15. Is there any negative energy in my energy field? If so, can you clear it?

  16. Is it in my highest and greatest good to do this {name option 1} or that {name option 2}? 

  17. This {select your trauma} painful thing happened. It’s been difficult for me to move on. How can I best move forward and what energy healing techniques would work for me?

Photo of Palo Santo, Citrine and Tiger’s Eye by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels

The questions you can ask are essentially infinite, but if you need an idea of what can work well for a reading, these are a few of the questions to guide you on what to ask a psychic medium.

It’s been an honor holding this space with others and this journey has opened my mind to so many new things; thank you for giving me the opportunity.

Learn more about private sessions HERE

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