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Member Journey
Discover how to get into an intentional, respectful shamanic trance for receiving otherworldly wisdom, learn to resolve the 3 main spiritual issues addressed by shamanism and identify your shamanic allies.
To begin this journey, start by watching the Welcome Video below.
In Celtic Wales Tradition, shamans are also called sin eaters. They take the imbalances of others into their own body and space, then purge and cleanse them through ritual spiritual practices.
These traditions remain alive in the British Isles, the Welsh settlers in the eastern mountain regions (Allegheny, Appalachian) in the early 1700s, 1800s and 1900s, brought many of these European shamanic traditions with them.
Whichever name you use for shamanism, it’s one of the oldest spiritual healing practices in the world that some historical experts would call universal - as forms of it have been found, anthropologically, in most if not all cultures worldwide, throughout recorded time.
The goal of the practice is to help people remember or come back together. To help them rediscover their purpose and recover forgotten bliss so their souls can become whole again.
As Divinely incarnated souls, we are all born whole, but throughout life, there are reasons we become separated from this wholeness. In shamanism, this separation of the soul from wholeness is the cause of most illnesses.
In general, there are 3 main root causes of illness, also known as “sin.”
These 3 reasons are energy imbalance, soul loss and spirit intrusion.
Each can explain why the soul becomes separated from its own sense of wholeness, its belief in separation from all that is and these causes are what shamanic practices seek to heal.
First, with energy imbalance, your energy becomes corrupt by becoming blocked or dissipated.
This happens via the demands of the modern world, as people are required to work at an unnatural pace and put others needs before their own.
As a result, they forget how to nurture their souls and spread themselves too thin. The outcome is they become so weak, they are no longer in touch with their personal power, like a battery that is drawn down. When this happens, the energy becomes more permeable and susceptible to energy intrusion.
Second, there is soul loss.
This happens when circumstances around you or that you were involved in are so horrific that parts of your energy splinters off so you are no longer fully present.
This dissociation is a form of protection for the soul, as it helps the soul go into hiding to prevent further trauma. You are no longer fully whole or available to deal with the situation, but at least you are safe from the corruption, horror and lack of love around you.
This is common for people from abusive childhoods, with parents only capable of misguided love.
Ultimately, when a person is disconnected from their soul for too long they become shells of their former self, wandering the earth depressed, confused or “not all there.”
Sadly, if the horrors persist and the abuse continues, the soul may never fully return unless a soul retrieval is performed - which you’ll learn how to do in this journey. This ceremony brings the soul back to wholeness so it can love, create and bring life again.
Finally, the last way a soul becomes corrupt and in need of shamanic healing is through a spiritual intrusion - also called a walk-in or an attachment.
This is when someone else’s energy comes in and infects the soul.
This can happen through deliberate acts of dark magic, conscious or unconscious psychic attack, or energy vampirism, where another person feeds off the souls’ energy, leaving them depleted and open to illness or even death, as a result of their weakened state - if the attachment is not removed and the soul rebalanced.
The removal of the spiritual intrusion has many names from exorcism to cord cutting.
A lot of spiritual intrusions are not intentional, but acts of misguided love, where another person takes out their anger, competition, conflict, despair and frustration out on the affected soul, depleting their life force energy.
You will also learn how to remove a spiritual attachment or intrusion - which can be placed on a person from either a living or dead individual.
Now that you’re aware of the 3 main afflictions that shamanism seeks to solve, let’s get started.
The first step in accessing a shamanic state is to get into a trance, which is a dreaming sleep, but not a fall asleep state.
You want to get relaxed enough that it feels like you could be sleeping but you’re awake. It’s an in between state that is a liminal stage between being with the reality of this world and in the dream world.
It requires slow, deep rhythmic breaths.
Once you get into the entry place of dreamworld, then you have access to the wisdom of the otherworld that is normally trapped to those in the waking realms.
In the first part of this journey, we’ll use drumming as an aid to get there, however, you can also use an herbal ally designed for enhancing dreamstate.
Exercises & Activities
1 - Practice Getting Into A Shamanic Trance
The best and easiest way to tap into the mental consciousness you need to access the Otherworldy realms is by going into a trance-like state.
A trance is an altered mental reality where you temporarily separate from physical reality in order to connect with the Shamanic World.
Listen to Shamanic Drumming Music 1x a day to practice going into trance. Rhythmic drumming, chimes and rattle music, helps to bring your mind and body into alignment with the consciousness needed for shamanic healing practices.
It works by holding your vibration in a sacred, yet primal state - which is ideal for accessing Shamanic Wisdom.
Use Sandra Ingerman’s Shamanic Drumming Tracks on Youtube to begin. While she has many great tracks available, I recommend starting with the Cleansing and Purification Journey.
In trance, you may feel called to move your body in alignment with the music. If this happens, simply allow it, this is normal and part of stepping into a trance-like state.
2. Identify your Plant Spirit Ally
Shamanic healing uses plant spirit medicines.
These plant spirit medicines are called Plant Allies or Plants of the Gods. Each shamanic practitioner has at least one Plant Ally, which is revealed through your sleeping dream state.
In shamanism, it is not necessarily the chemical makeup of the plant that heals, but the spiritual intention you ask of it - it’s spiritual consciousness.
Ask your Plant Ally to come to you with a message in your dreams. Every night, until the meeting occurs, request in your heart and mind that your Plant Ally make themselves known to you.
This message may come to you in an early, deep or late waking dream state. Plant Allies can appear as the plant themselves, or as a fae-like Spirit that represents the plant.
Advanced: Once your Plant Ally is revealed, obtain an herbal remedy that includes this plant - perhaps grow it in your garden, find it at the natural foods store or in your pre-existing herbal cabinet. Then, when holding the Plant Ally, ask that it works with you to heal your desired spiritual intention.
When you have a Plant Ally, you can then ask it to visit you in dreams to give you instructions on remedies for specific clients or patients.
3 - Journey to the Otherworld
The goal of this exercise is to practice traveling to the land of earth energy to gather information about your heart’s desire so you can find out where the soul’s love and creativity is.
Once you know where this is, the journey back to harmony becomes clear.
Exercise: Use the Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire Journey Track to assist you.
Inhale and exhale. Rest your gaze. Soften your shoulders. Call in a Spirit Guide, who can help you travel between the planes of reality. Ask that they escort you to the Otherworld to help you identify your heart’s desire.
Set your intention to identify your heart’s desire.
For a more advanced practice, set the intention to get information for a client (or someone else you look after) in this journey rather than for yourself.
Imagine yourself following your Messenger Guide as they walk in front of you, down a path into a forest. As they venture down this path and you follow, you eventually find yourself at a cave opening. Entering into this cave opening, following your Spirit Guide down into the Earth.
Notice how the walls of the cave look. Notice how you feel. You find yourself at a clearing in the cave with a crystal clear pool of healing water.
Your Spirit Guide tells you to look into the water and notice the reflection that you see. Inside the reflection you will see an image or hear a word that identifies your heart’s true desire.
Your Messenger Guide now ventures to the other side of the pond. On this side of the pond, they would like to show you a solution that would create a sense of wholeness in love. You follow your Guide to the other side of the pond and look into the crystal clear water. What do you see in the reflection?
Ask any final questions that you have to the reflecting pond. Like, what else does my heart desire? How can I move closer towards it? Is there anything I can do now to facilitate a quicker remembrance of my soul’s purpose.
Pause to receive this information. Stay in this Otherworld for as long as you like.
Thank your Messenger Spirit Guide for taking you to this Otherworld to manifest your heart’s desire.
Your Messenger Guide will now escort you back to the top of the cave entrance, back to the front of the forest path and back into your body now.
Inhale and exhale. Your journey is now complete.
*If you’re following the drumming track, you will begin to leave the cave once the drum tempo slows, softens and changes tempo at the end, coming back into the room you’re in.
To Recap
Let’s wrap up! The takeaway of this week’s practice ~
Get experience going into the altered trance state needed to receive shamanic information with the assistance of traditional instruments
Identify a Plant Spirit Medicine that can assist you on your shamanic journey as a Plant Spirit Guide you can ask guidance questions while in trance
Practice a shamanic journey for manifesting your (or a clients’) heart’s desire