The Member Center

Member Events

To Attend Live:

~ You must have a paid, active membership subscription.

~ Click on the ‘Register Here’ links below next to each date you want to attend below. Enter your name and email address, and you’ll receive a registration link via email.

~ All events are held via an online conferencing software and hosted in Eastern Time.

~ After you complete the form next to each workshop date, you’ll receive your unique conference link via email. Simply click that link at the time of the event anywhere with an internet connection and headphones/speakers to join us live.

~ Downloads of previous events are available within 3-5 business days following the event.

~ You may need a password to enter the event. The password is the four-digit MONTHDAY (MMDD) of workshop.


Next Workshop: Astral Travel

Thursday, March 13th @ 7pm-8:30pm ET

Workshop Recording

Future Workshops:

April 2, 2025 @7pm ET

May 15, 2025 @7pm ET

June 18, 2025 @7pm ET

July 17, 2025 @7pm ET

August 21, 2025 @7pm ET

What To Expect When Joining Us Live

Enjoy news and updates, expanded discussion of the month’s theme, meditations and exercises, plus a deeper practice section.

The first part of the workshop is an expanded discussion about the theme plus meditative exercises. About 45 min or so into the workshop, we take a short break and then reconvene to start an advanced practice session featuring energy, intuitive, mediumistic and psychic techniques. Here we may work with volunteers and focus on activities that generate feedback and non-physical insight.

If you’d prefer not to practice your intuitive skills, hop off at the break. Registering for the monthly workshop also registers you for the practice section. If you are practicing, attend the first part of the workshop to take advantage of the meditations and prime your energy.

Why Attend The Deeper Practice Section

During practice groups, we practice clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient energy techniques working, sometimes working with a volunteer(s) who can provide feedback.

Practice can build confidence, give you validation, and identify which of your gifts are strongest, helping you to recognize when you are using them, and when you're tapped in. We practice different techniques every workshop and sometimes you will have a chance to volunteer to receive intuitive insight and give feedback.

New to the group? We'll go over a bit of basics before we dive into any practice. I encourage you to attend at least three practice sessions to allow yourself the ability to see growth.

Post-Event Recording

Recordings from the live workshops are sent out and posted in The Member Center after each event. Due to the confidentiality of information shared, the practice portion of this workshop is not always recorded.

Listening Options

This event software requires an internet connection and an option for you to select your audio preference. Two listening options are available once you login to the conference via your unique access link:

  • Using the speakers/microphone via your computer

  • Calling in separately from a telephone

Domestic And International Telephone Callers

You can join in audio-wise to the event from a local landline phone, mobile phone or using your computer’s mic/headphones.

Once you click the conference link, you'll have the option to select and test your audio preferences for your call. If listening in via a telephone, use the drop down menu to find the local dial-in number from your country to avoid international fees. For a list of these numbers in advance, visit: Zoom International Call-in Numbers.

If you're located in another region then the eastern United States, please make sure to check out TimeBie to find out when the workshops are hosted in your time zone.

Audio Assistance

Make sure to select ‘Join Audio’ on the application if calling in from a phone. Selecting ‘Internet Audio’ for your phone will allow you to connect to audio through your WIFI. You can also select ‘Telephone Audio.’ Either way, if calling in from your phone, select ‘Join Audio’ for the call to hear and speak.

If you’re joining from a mobile device, you may need to download an app. If you’ve already downloaded the Zoom application for the conference, and used the audio successfully, disconnect your audio and reconnect your audio if you experience technical difficulties.

To learn more about joining audio for this event, view this help document by Zoom Webinar, who is our conference call host. The conference will stream live from a desktop.