Amanda Linette Meder

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The Membership is now 35% less!


We're now mid-way into 2024 and about to reach the Summer Solstice, my favorite time of year. 

I love that the sky remains bright where I am until 9pm, and you can sit out sit and enjoy the dusk hours while watching the fireflies before bed. The late nights enjoying the twilight are the best part of the day for me during the summer.

I'm writing to share an exciting development in The Membership.

Since its launch in 2015, we've gathered survey data from new and longtime members, and noted the feedback from countless personal conversations I've had with members over the years.

With all of that information, we've been tweaking elements of the program along the way to best serve the community and make it the best experience possible for you.

Anytime I can update what we do to better fit what members need, it is very rewarding for me personally because I like bringing you joy.

So I'm happy to announce to you that The Membership is now available for 35% less!


Previously, The Membership pricing was $70 for Monthly Plans and $700 for Annual Plans; now Membership subscriptions are $45 for Monthly Plans and $450 for Annual Plans.

Annual Plans are $37.50 when paid annually or you can calculate it as 2 months FREE!

You can now enjoy all the great things you already loved about The Membership for less! Learn intuitive skills with the Lesson and Exercise Journeys, tap into the Social Group, join us in the Live Workshop, or peruse The Meditation Room. 

Send me an email to ask any question at no extra charge! Add your intuitive business to the complimentary business listing for free. And more!

Interested in joining The Membership?

There's no better time than now -

Subscriptions are recurring. Cancel anytime. Your membership price will never increase. 

When you join, feel free to shoot me an email with any questions you may have. I'm ready and waiting to provide feedback on any spiritual or intuitive development topic you want to know more about.

Looking forward to seeing you in there,

See you in The Membership!